Meelko Yuntaare

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Meelko Yuntaare

Self-portrait of himself
Biographical Information
Race Bosph (Race)
Homeworld Bosph (System)
Mother Elabma'a Ummar
Father Mornee Yuntaare
Religion Yentarr
Quote "Only on a world of freedom, knowledge and equanimity one can truly be oneself. And being oneself is what the Yentarr wants."
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1,5 meters
Weight 60 kg
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Orange
Political Information
Affiliation Tresario Star Kingdom
Title Cadet
Rank [TSK-01]


Meelko was born in the middle of a family of slaves. He always thought that it was the Yentarr’s will, and he never questioned it in his early days. His fathers were always busy working really hard, so he had to live by himself, learning to do a lot of things without help of anyone, and learning how to teach himself new things pretty fast.

He hadn’t to work in his early days, and even though his father was always tired when he came back from work, his mother always had a smile in his face and a history to tell him. Thanks to his mother, Meelko, learned the stories from his race –The Bosph–. Through the years she taught him all that she knew about his race, the Yentarr, and a little bit of medicine.

Life as a Slave

At his 15 years ceremony his owner pierced his horns with earrings as a sign of enslavement. That humbled him. All those years studying, reading, preparing himself to do something greater made him dream of a better life. He though he deserved more than that, he was smart, he was a good student, he though he knew what the Yentarr wanted.

What did the Yentarr really wanted?

"I though the Yentarr were good old spirits that helped everyone in need. I was a dreamer. They do help everyone, but in complex and hard to understand ways."
— Meelko Yuntaare

He then lived his life as a slave with resignation. He woke up, exercised, worked, studied, and sleep. That was his routine four years. He then started to study how to flee from there. He was studying how to pilot ships with books and simulators. Sometimes he found himself daydreaming about his freedom, but he had to stop himself repeatedly to end his work as soon as posible.

Three years later, pirates attacked them. Meelko was on the kitchen when te attack began. The whole place started shaken. At first, he didn’t know how to react. At second neither. At third he started to look for his fathers because he finally realized something wasn’t right.

But he was not fast enough. They were dead.

He freaked out. He realized how fragile life really was and freaked out. He remembered every pretty moment he had with his fathers and he freaked out. So, he ran. He ran as faster as he could. He thought on the ships his lord had in the hangar while running in the opposite direction. Turned back. Avoid a couple of pirates, and boarded the last ship in the hangar.

He then realized he was finally free. But freedom wasn’t as exciting as he thought. Depression isolated him. His fathers were dead. His existence had no point at all. No at all. What did the Yentarr want of him? Where they even real? Who was him?


He traveled to the nearest system, and he began a new life. He had a lonely life. He dedicated this to think about himself. He had to rebuild his life, his own life. He had to rebuild his identity, and then he realized:

"Only on a world of freedom, knowledge and equanimity one can truly be oneself. And being oneself is what the Yentarr wants."
— Meelko Yuntaare

So he set his own life around that. He went to the Tresario Star kingdom and applied to study in their university. It was time for him to start a military career to bring freedom, knowledge and equanimity to each corner of the galaxy.

"Every soul must be freed from the most slavish chain: oneself."
— Meelko Yuntaare