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Adjudicator, a JM 5000 , has been in use for some time as a security vessel in the Outer Rim and has played a part in numerous important galactic events.


Originally produced by CorEx, the Ajudicator was originally known by her shop number, 50010789. This designation stuck to her for a while, as she was sold in bulk to the Galactic Empire. Adjudicator and seven of her sister ships were then gifted to Black Sun for use in the Outer Rim. Adjudicator was assigned to Iego and her shop designation was removed. Her new name was given as Angel Dust. Her commander was a quiet Diathim woman named Sela Thane.

Maltha Obex

Shortly after coming into Black Sun's possession, Vlademar von Ismay, territorial governor of Mieru'kar, clashed with The Hutt Cartel over spice revenue coming out of Maltha Obex. Von Ismay, ever ambitious, claimed that the Cartel owed duties on the spices being exported because Black Sun controlled the sector. The Cartel, understandably, had no interest in doing so. Anticipating a possible conflict, Black Sun transferred Angel Dust and about a dozen other gunboats to the sector. The Cartel protested to the Empire, but Adjudicator and her compatriots interdicted dozens of spice traders, forcing them to pay the duties or imprisoning the crew if they could not. This state of events could not last, and Adjudicator and her comrades were attacked by a Cartel Fleet, lead by a Kaloth Battle Cruiser, and four squadrons of Pinook Starfighters. It was a massively uneven fight, Adjudicator, five other JM 5000s and 6 Tri-Mark Interceptors, against a Frigate and 48 Pinooks. Thane's brilliant flying allowed the Adjudicator to escape most of the damage, but all five other JM 5000s and four of the Tri-Mark Interceptors were shot down. However, the Cartel would suffer heavily. The Kaloth suffered heavy damage and the 36 Pinooks were shot down. Thane was desperately wounded as she retreated. Cooler heads then prevailed and the Cartel and Black Sun came to the table after this engagement. Neither side wanted the kind of ferocious combat that had ensued over Maltha Obex for a long period of time. However, for the Adjudicator, the result did not matter.

Security for Hire

Sela Thane recovered from her wounds, but she and her crew were nursing a grudge against Black Sun for leaving them hanging over Maltha Obex, as easy prey for the Hutt Cartel. They defected, taking the Adjudicator with them. Thane and her crew retrofitted the rechristened Adjudicator with more weapons and armor and set themselves up as an independent security contracting service. Their name was a tribute to he Adjudicator's past, Angel Dust Security. They made fairly good money in the business. When Kintan Beta descended into chaos upon the death of their leader, one of the rival warlords, Walzea Klatoo, hired Angel Dust Security to serve as his personal transport and guard. They served in numerous battles, performing well and earning praise for their coolness. However, when Bliht Derjo took over the world, Thane and her crew sought service elsewhere.

Irfan F

Political dissidents on Irfan F, seeking to turn the moon over to the Zann Consortium, and backed clandestinely by them, rose against the neutral government. Unable to afford help, and desperate, the neutral government hired the Wraiths and Angel Dust Security. The Wraiths brought the fire power and skill, but Angel Dust Security brought the stealthy power of the Adjudicator. Months of combat yielded minuscule gains for the dissidents. However, in a brazen move, the Adjudicator and her crew slipped through the defenses of the dissidents, and, after capturing the dissidents chief of intelligence and three Zann advisers, blew up the dissident's ammunition depot. This blow brought the dissidents to their knees, and their resistance slowly fell apart over the next year. Angel Dust Security would not be there for the final blow. Walzea Klatoo called.

De ja Beta

The Adjudicator became Walzea Klatoo's personal flagship as he attempted to claim Kintan Beta for The Knights of the Fountain. While Klatoo was killed while dueling the Ryll Runner right at the end of the campaign, the Adjudicator would continue the campaign. Emanon Klatoo assumed command and sought Bliht Derjo. He continued to use the Adjudicator as his personal ship and thus Thane and her crew were present for the final showdown between Klatoo and Derjo, ready to assist Klatoo should he be in need. He was not and killed Derjo. He was anxious to keep the Adjudicator and offered Thane and her crew a large sum for it. After due consideration, they accepted and purchased another vessel.


Klatoo attempted to use the captured Ryll Runner to smuggle stolen raw materials. However, the curse of the Ryll Runner continued to haunt the ship, and he was interdicted and heavily fined by two governments. This forced him to sell both the Ryll Runner and Adjudicator. Adjudicator was sold to Tholme Terik . However, Looma Karwt, who purchased the Ryll Runner, wanted the Adjudicator as well. Thus when Tholme casually wagered the ship on Looma naming the capital of an obscure nationality, Looma felt extremely fortunate to already know the correct answer, winning the Adjudicator from Tholme.