Veeshas Tuwan

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Veeshas Tuwan is a recreation of an ancient Arkanian-Sith library. It is currently located at (5,7) on Hassaria, the adopted home of the revived House Arkoh.

History of Veeshas Tuwan

Originally established over seven thousand years ago by House Arkoh on Arkania, Veeshas Tuwan was the great storehouse of knowledge for the Sith Empire. The members of House Arkoh were charged by the Sith Empire with the creation and governorship of Veeshas Tuwan. As the library grew exponentially, so did House Arkoh’s power on Arkania. Dark lords and acolytes alike made their pilgrimages to the hallowed halls of Veeshas Tuwan, exploring the twisting mazes of knowledge and lore to seek greater power. By the time of its destruction at the hands of the Republic, it was nearly impossible to find anything, for the library had long since overflowed with the plethora of materials the Sith had stored there.

Those members of House Arkoh who didn't die protecting the library when the Sith Empire fell went into hiding. Without Sith backing, the royal houses were easily toppled by the Republic and those they had oppressed. The surviving members of House Arkoh would live in secret for millennia attempting only a few times to resurrect their house, all of which ended in failure. It is thanks to the Trade Federations confidence in the current members of House Arkoh that has allowed for this most current incarnation of Veeshas Tuwan to be so successful.

Architecture of Veeshas Tuwan

With plans of the original library lost, historians of House Arkoh worked with the royal family to draft a design that would be suitable to the needs of the library. Veeshas Tuwan was designed to reflect the "Golden Era" architecture of the ancient Sith Empire, and is the finest example of House Arkoh's plans for the rest of the system. Its pyramid-like structure ensures a lengthy ascent to the entrance, symbolizing the long journey that all scholars face on the road to enlightenment. At the block-pyramid's zenith, high above even the library's main entrance, are the residential apartment suites. Five are available to the most senior researchers staying at Zeeshas Tuwan for extended study, two are reserved for any visiting members of the royal family or Federation dignitaries,

The main hall is designed after the Jedi library on Coruscant. However unlike the Jedi library with its many holo-terminals and data ports, Veeshas Tuwan is entirely comprised of books, scrolls, and the occasional transcribed data link.

The main hall represents the order with which House Arkoh will govern the new library, unlike it's predecessor where so much knowledge was simply stacked in corners to rot, and secret alcoves were lost due to cave ins. That's not to say that library doesn't have it's fare share of alcoves, mazes and dead end atriums.

Veeshas Tuwan and the Hassaria System

Veeshas Tuwan is the center of all knowledge in the Hassaria System. Scholars from across the five planets save until they can book transport to Hassaria I. There they compete with like minded individuals to gain access to the Library's study program. There are so many applicants each year that twice as many are denied as accepted. Those denied individuals are left to fend for themselves for another year. Many turn to manual labor, working in fields and farms around Veeshas Tuwan helping to feed the Federation. Built among the forests of Hassaria I it is a fairly remote location with a small service industry built around servicing the needs of the library's scholars.

While the majority of the Library is open to the general public, it's professors and restricted sections are not. Those who are accepted into the study program are given access to both. The libraries professors teach the galaxies greater mysteries, but what interests students the most, is the knowledge left behind by the Sith. Access to the restricted sections and lessons taught by the royal families force sensitive members are the highlight of each years new class. Those who put in their time and learn what they can, often change castes and join the Kissai. Ever dedicated to the preservation of knowledge and the expansion of the library.