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Status Active
Deities Pantheon of Aedra
Ceremonies Ashel
Planet of origin Korriban
Founded circa year -28,000

Aedra, also known as Aedrath - (lit. Way of Perfection), is one of the two dozen pre-industrial religions practice by the ancient Sith. Aedra became one of the primary religions of the Ancient Sith Empire( circa year -28,000 )till all of the religions were replaced by the cult worship of King Adas, who united the Sith and was able to defeat Rakatan invaders. Following the ensuing power struggles after the Adas, the religion was forgotten in the minds of the Sith and temples that once held ancient teachings were lost in many civil wars that resulted from lesser king ambitions to power. When the exiled Dark Jedi, survivors of the Hundred-Year Darkness, arrived on Korriban, the last trace of Aedraitic teachings on that planet were extinguished.

Aedra is a polytheistic religion and a philosophical interpretation of the Force. It is primarily based on the worship of transcended ancient Sith philosopher Ashar, who became the embodiment of Force itself, and a group of Lesser Deities collectively known as Tar Shur-Te Devyn, or The Hallowed Nine (often simplified as Devyn). The historical origin of the religion is largely unknown, but it is widely believed that when the Ashar transcended, his only nine followers who followed the philosopher, later propagated the teachings to nearby ancient Sith clans and with their help built a a temple inside the cave where Ashar archived enlightenment. Many generations later Ashar manifested himself before his nine followers who were now old and dying, and helped them to ascend as their deeds were done in the mortal realm.

Those who had arrived before the Temple of Aedur engraved the Ashar teachings and commandments in twelve large sandstone obelisks that they labelled The Edicts, that would help give wisdom to the rest of people of Korriban. These engraved text were later recorded into a holy book dubbed the Wvazst First Edict, a brief description of Ashar, the Devyn, and the first Sith Kings who followed the teachings. During the Sith Golden Age, the Wvazst was expanded upon with less literal interpretation, while still retaining the mythos, thus it became the Wvazst Second Edict. The Wvazst Third Edict was written in year 10 by a Zabrak wanderer, who discovered the shrine dedicated to Ashar on planet Tatooine. A artifact was found within the shrine, a guide-stone that presumably was made by Ashar himself, to guide the followers to a new world where they could archive enlightenment.


Aedra teaches that conflict with one self was the only true test of one's ability, as the biggest enemy to preservation will be no other as self substantial nature, that is in its raw form unguided phenomena. Through that conflict, one could find the true self and shatter the shadows that stalk, only this way one would grow and evolve without the corruption and taint that would in end lead to self destruction and deprivation. Once one has won in the conflict, he will need to through conflict elevate self, in order to grow and change so he could reborn as one not as many and only this way reach the enlightenment and power.

Ashar believed that every thing in the universe undergoes a continual repetitive cycle of birth and death that arises from ordinary beings' grasping and fixating on a self and experiences. Edicts refers to the process of cycling through one rebirth after another within the six realms of existence, where each realm can be understood as physical realm or a psychological state characterized by a particular type of suffering.


By my faith, may the light of the Aedra spread to the farthest star. By my duty, the galaxy will belong to the righteous. By my actions, the fires of the Great Temple will never die. By my sacrifice, I shall live eternally. By these words, I embrace my destiny.


Darth Ashar

name Darth Ashar - He Who Holds the Heavens
rank Higher Deity
Powers Eternal God
Dominion Voi Ano
Virtues Creation, Passion, Strength, Power, Victory
Other Names The Lord of Heart & Fire

As the religious texts describe, Ashar is the transcendent ancient Sith, who was so powerful in the force that he was able to gain immortality as a Force ghost(living Force) and later was able to mold the Universe around him. He became the supreme deity of Ancient Sith. The One Who Weaves All, The Lord of Sunlight, and the Lord of Heart & Fire, Ashar spawned a collection of lesser deities called the Devyn (The Nine), delegating most of the affairs of guiding the Sith to them. The Devyn were formed when Ashar made himself manifest in the realm of the living, breaking the veil that separated the realm of Void and the living universe. Nine priests of the Kissai caste, became to inherit the Devyn, who represented facets of Ashar himself, though they are not explicitly stated to be of his own design. Ashar resides within the Vai Ano, a realm of endless golden plains. Akin to the Netherworld of the Force, Vai Ano is the Sith afterlife, where all righteous souis live in paradise.


name Eren - She Who Breathes Life
rank Greater Deity
Powers Fertility Goddess
Dominion Vashuun Te
Virtues Life, Birth, Fertility & Innocence
Other Names Anaan-Atura. The White Sky. The Dawn

Eren, the Mother of the Living, is also known by the name Anaan-Atura. She was younger sister of Ashar and was one of the nine followers who followed Ashar. She became benevolent goddess who presides over life, Eren is one of the few Sith Gods who is not actively involved in nurturing the more destructive aspects of the ancient Sith. She and her twin brother Mjan were the first two deities to fracture from Ashar, with Eren chosen to embody the living, bringing new life to Korriban.


name Mjan - He Who Whispers Death
rank Greater Deity
Powers Death God
Dominion Aakuun Te
Virtues Death, Freedom, Spirit & Afterlife
Other Names Muukan-Mitura, The Dread Host, The Quiet Night

Mjan, the Father of the Dead. A vigilant watcher and protector of the deceased. Mjan, was younger brother to Ashar and twin-brother to his sister Eren. Mjan's duties are to guide the spirits of the righteous deceased into the afterlife, keeping them safe from Sekar The Sullied. Because of Sekar's immense power, Ashar granted Mjan the mighty treasure Aryynudact, better known as the Midnight Sword Anadight. He is a voiceless deity who wanders the realm of dreams to gain insight of the living minds. Despite his appearance and duty, Mjan is a neutral deity, devoting himself only to the dead, taking no interest in the living.


name Ashuun - The Sword of Vengeance
rank Lesser Deity
Powers Justice God
Dominion Ashlaan Te
Virtues Justice & Redemption
Other Names Vakul, The Chain-Breaker

Ashuun is the guardian of Naraya, and stands at the Gates of Veil, where the living universe is separated from the Void. He ushers the souls of the wicked into Naraya, and smites those who would try to escape. For those that toil and seek penance for their sins, Ashuun will do battle with Sekar on the Last Day, freeing them for Karza. He is commonly depicted as a colossal Knight, wielding the Frost Sword Szolaisyr.


name Karza - The Bringer of War
rank Greater Deity
Powers War God
Dominion Yavin Te
Virtues War, Battle & Weapons
Other Names Yavin

The chief god of the Massassi, and their ultimate Warlord. Karza before transcending was a war veteran and a bodyguard to Ashar. Karza does not reside within the Voi or the realm of the Ano. In the Edict, Ashar commanded Karza to march to the World of Storms, and wait for the end times. In return, he would receive the souls of the Massassi, who would march with him into battle upon the Last Day, where he would shatter the World of Storms, and fashion chains from it to bind Sekar, and release the souls of the damned from Naraya.


name Sekar - The Sullied Temptation
rank Demonic Deity
Powers Trickster God
Dominion Naraya
Virtues Temptation, Sin, Chains
Other Names The Black Lord

The Edicts, describe the Sekar to be embodiment and manifestation of the corruption that arises from the greed and darkness. Described as arrogant and prideful, Sekar sought to sow Chaos and discord on Korriban, claiming the Sith would become as mighty as Ashar, and eventually would not need him. Knowing this would annihilate his people, Ashar threw Sekar to a domain of endless cold - Naraya. Becoming the master of this horrid domain, Sekar made Naraya a realm of suffering, determined to make the Sith suffer. Serving as the Great Temptation, Sekar roots out the damned from the penant, and guides them respectively to their eternal doom, or salvation.


name Tiphos - The Thunder of Virtue
rank Greater Deity
Powers Storm God
Dominion Valeen Te
Virtues Righteousness & Judgement
Other Names Typhojem, The Hammer, The Hand of Fate

The Left-Handed God. Tiphos was tasked by Ashar to judge the measure of a Sith's soul, and granted him the ability to weigh a soul in his violet-colored left hand. In mortal life Tiphos was a peddler who followed the Ashar. He stands at the Mouth of Vai Ano, and receives the souls delivered by Mjan. The righteous are sent into Vai Ano with Ashar, while the wicked are cast down into Naraya, where they are forever tempted and tormented by Sekar. Tiphos is also responsible for teaching the Sith metallurgy, and forges weapons for the Last Day, a battle at the end of time which will never end, yet paradoxically, is never to be fought.

The Three Heralds of Aedra

name Akhan, Orlai, Eodzi
rank Lesser Deities
Powers Heralds
Dominion Nuurel Te
Virtues Zeal, Virtue, Sacrifice
Other Names The voice, eyes and ears of Ashar

Akhan, Orlai and Eodzi are the three heralds of Aedra, who were tasked by the Ashar to go and gather followers from nearby ancient Sith kingdoms on Korriban. After their deeds were done, they were ascended by the Ashar and tasked them to walk the plains of Dreams, were they wandered to find the mortal ones who would be rightnous enough to be admitted for audience with the Ashar.