Spirit of Huk

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Spirit of Huk

The Spirit of Huk is a G1-A Transport with an ethereal, spooky history. The ship has seen multiple owners and all tell the same story of weird things happening to the transport.

Design and Construction

The Spirit of Huk began life as G1-A 363104 on the factory floor of a Duhka Industrial plant. As the parts were assembled, workers began reporting hearing strange noises inside the ship's frame. Management put this down to employee laziness or mechanical creaking in the mainframe. However, when the ship completed and the management team inspected it, they discovered that the noises were far spookier than even the workers had reported. Terrified, the management team ordered 363104 destroyed. However, this was not to be the fate of the diabolical ship.

Theft and Piracy

The night before it was scheduled to be dismantled and its parts destroyed, a crew of professional starship thieves raided the factory it was stored in. Dozens of starships were stolen, including 363104. All the ships were hurried offworld and sold into the hands of a scurrilous ship retailer named Nazed Kim. The Talz salesman quickly flipped all the ships into private hands, except for 363104. Renaming it "Lucky" for its escape from dismantling, he made it his personal vessel. However, for a month after he deployed the ship, he experienced progressively worse nightmares. After the month, he began seeing shapes in the dark aboard the ship, even when traveling alone. Terrified, Kim sold the ship to a Togorian pirate named Ellona Ghast. She rechristened the ship the "Ghost" and gave it the paint job it sports today. With the Ghost as her platform, Ghast relentlessly raided, kidnapped, and murdered her way across the southwest corner of the galaxy. The bounty on her head steadily rose, but the authorities proved unable to capture her.However, the Ghost was beginning to have an effect on her as well. She too began having horrific nightmares, and began seeing spirits floating in the air when the nightmares awoke her. Stubbornly she refused to change vessels. This stubbornness was her downfall. The ship AI glitched out, broadcasting her location on several law enforcement channels while she slept. When she woke, the ship had been tractored into a Dreadnaught and she was a prisoner.

Private Transport

The Ghost was impounded by the governing body that captured Ghast and sold at auction. The high bidder was an Yam`rii smuggler named Ury Jaeu. Jaeu was very good at smuggling. He installed dozens of little secret cargo containers on the ship he rechristened as the "Spirit of Huk". Jaeu quickly began to ramp up a smuggling operation in a similar area to which Ghast had operated. The operation was fairly successful, but Jaeu quickly began to develop the same sleeping problems that had plagued all the previous owners. He began to see faces in the dark, and hear voices chanting dark incantations, particularly late at night. A complete wipe of the ships AI did nothing to stop the issues. The breaking point came in the middle of a smuggle when the ships AI glitched, again, blasting out the contents of his hidden compartments on the comlink of an Imperial Star Destroyer. While Jaeu was able evade the bulky capital ship, he immediately sold the ship to Kez Aak, the head of Endless Endeavors.

Ghost Ship

Kez Aak owned a large and profitable manufacturing corporation. He put the Spirit of Huk in que to be transported to its the corporations home base and assigned it a pilot. However, this is where the ship manifested the creepiest, and most inexplicable behavior it had ever shown. Several members of Endless Endeavors were sitting in the company radar room when one of them noticed that the ship was moving. Since there was not supposed to be a pilot aboard yet, team lead Dimitri Halden immediately sent out a query to the pilot Nathaniel Cholds to see if he had reached the ship. He was puzzled by the inquiry as he was across the galaxy from the Spirit of Huk. One of the Endless members in the radar room, Narmo Colmven suggested that the shipboard AI might have malfunctioned causing it to appear to be moving when it was not. The radar operator, Aeron Creel sent a ping to the shipboard AI and found it was disabled. The ship was moving, without a pilot, droid, or anything else aboard. The Endless Radar team went into full panic mode to try to stop the ship from moving. Halden managed to hack into the shipboard AI and re-enable it, which instantly halted the ship. However, no one in Endless would go near the ship, forcing Aak to sell the ship. He sold it to an up and coming entrepreneur named Kellen Deming. For Deming, the nightmares had only just begun.