Zhellic Ecclesiarchy/Clerical Titles
These are the main titles of the Faith’s priesthood. Grand Vicar, Vicarius Maximus – Supreme head of the Zhellic Ecclesiarchy, Chair of the High Synod. Vicar, Vicarius – Head of one of the Cults of the Thirteen and serving on the High Synod. Flamen – High Priest of one of the various Lesser Gods, they sit on the General Synod of the Ecclesiarchy along with the higher ranking Vicars. Exarch – A senior cleric of the Gods, they typically serve as lieutenants to a Vicar or Flamen. In most cases, an Exarch is the highest ranking priest not directly serving the Ecclesiarchy and is usually the senior-most chaplain there. Hierarch Prelate Archcanon Canon Deacon Under-Deacon Neophyte