The Industrial Confederacy

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The Industrial Confederacy
General Information
Status Active
Leader Vladimir Petrakis
2IC Oltral Kintross
Owner The Petrakis Family
Historical Information
Founded Year 19 Day 206
Political Information
Industry Manufacturing


Sometime in Year 18 (CGT) the Petrakis Brothers would found The Industrial Confederacy as the brothers wanted to be their own bosses. The Confederacy was founded as a manufacturing company that specialized in ship production specifically the N-1 Starfighter. The Petrakis brothers would have initial success with the opening of their new business. So much success that they would eventually expand upon their business to create Petrakis Medical a Medical business that would be headed by Alexander. Shortly after the opening of Petrakis Medical the Petrakis Council would sell the medical business to the Archduchy of Tolonda and Alexander would join the government to head the Medical faction for them. Soon after this Vladimir and Oltral would close the doors on the first incarnation of The Industrial Confederacy.

A couple months after his time with the Archduchy of Tolonda Alexander would become fed up with Corey and Uther to the point where he would leave Oshora and reunite with his brother and Oltral to reform the Confederacy. As before the brothers would have success with the Confederacy's ship production. Vladimir would focus on ship production while Alexander would explore deep space for asteroid fields to mine and for undiscovered systems. Towards the end of Year 20 (CGT) the Western Reaches would be discovered and Alexander would quickly make his way over to the newly discovered sector. Within a week Alexander would discovered the long lost Jedha system and claim the system for the Industrial Confederacy.