TIE/sa Bomber

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TIE/sa Bomber
Navigational Stats
Hyperspeed 0
Sublight Speed 60 MGLT
Max Speed 600 km/h
Manoeuvrability 6.00
Sensors 1
Proton Torpedo Launchers 4
Ion Cannons
Heavy Lasers 2
Concussion Missile Launchers
Cargo Stats
Volume 335 m³
Weight Cap 2 T
Volume Cap 17 m³
Max Passengers 1
Hull Stats
Length 7 m
Hull 100
Deflector Shields 0
Ionic Capacity 15
Armour {{{Armour}}}
Estimated RM Price 68,258 Credits
Affiliation Galactic Empire


The TIE Bomber, is a doubled pod starfighter that resembles the TIE/ln Starfighter soley dedicated for bombing space and ground targets. There are two sections on the ordnance pod, they are the forward and the main ordnance pod. These pods hold all of the bomber's warheads. The elongated solar panels collect addition energy to help propel this heavier starfighter. The starboard pod houses the pilot where if need be can safely eject from the battle.


Design & Hull

Using the standard TIE fighter as a starting point, Imperial engineers designed a dedicated craft to deliver explosive payloads through bombardment. Showing its TIE roots, the TIE bomber's fuselage is bracketed by a pair of solar gather panels. For its increased power requirements, the bomber boasts elongated panels with greater surface areas than the standard starfighter.

TIE Bombers are escorted by TIE Starfighters when making their bomb run on capital ships, space stations, and stardocks. Also the bomber can be used to mine planetary orbits. It can "Surgically Strike" almost any target without damaging the surrounding area.