Toydaria (Planet)

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Planet 4.png
System Toydaria
Sector Hutt Space
Galactic Coordinates (319, 17)
System Coordinates (4, 9)
Astrographic Entry Toydaria
Type temperate/breathable
Primary Terrain: grassland
Rotational Period
Orbital Period
Population 18,395,498,619 inhabitants
Controlled By Tresario Star Kingdom
Governor Tresario Star Kingdom
Magistrate Jude Vatz
Sentient Races Toydarian

Toydaria is a muddy world, located in Hutt Space, and the home to Toydarians. Mucky lakes comprised a majority of the surface including the occasional algal mat for Toydarians to land their vessels on. These lakes were nutrient-rich and hosted many forms of sea life including grabworms. Toydarians originally lived off the nutrients, however they later resorted to farming for food. Sustenance for the food on Toydaria was so great that on average every 30 standard years depending on weather cycles, shortages would occur and the Toydarians would steal or even poison their neighbor's food supply, under the belief that if they couldn't have it, no one should. Because there were so many Toydarians flying around on their homeworld, the use of speeders was illegal. Spaceship traffic was only allowed to land or take off in specified areas to avoid collisions. To help travel around their world, Toydarians created a light-rail system that took them from city to city.