MC-60 Star Cruiser: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Capital Ships]]
[[Category:Capital Ships]]

Revision as of 05:43, 17 July 2014

The MC-60 is a smaller, lighter cruiser variant of the large MC-80 series of cruisers, which serve as the flagships and main battle cruisers of the Rebel Alliance. Unlike the MC-80, the MC-60 was designed by the Mon Calamari specifically for use as a warship after the Mon Calamari joined the Alliance. Its smaller size combined with its more powerful hyperdrive motivator allows the MC-60 to travel the space lanes faster, making it suitable as a mobile base of operations for Rebel commerce raiding operations as well as a capable line ship for Rebel task forces. Likewise, though, the MC-60 is not capable of matching the Empire’s Star Destroyers in terms of sheer firepower or survivability, and when confronted by a larger vessel, the cruiser will operate in groups and will often rely on the superior Rebel star fighters to augment its offensive and defensive ability.


This ship is affiliated to the New Republic.


The estimated price of the raw materials required to build this ship is 6,362,668.

Materals Amount
Quantum 1,439
Meleenium 14,909
Ardanium 1,213
Rudic 929
Rockivory 30
Tibannagas 907
Varmigio 4,245
Lommite 1,203
Durelium 1,415


Weapon Amount
Turbolasers 38
Tractor Beams 6
Proton-Torpedo Launchers 10
Ion Batteries 20


Navigation Stats - Cargo Stats - Hull Stats
Hyperspeed 2 Weight 700,000 T Length 800 m
Sublight Speed 20 MGLT Volume 14,000,000 m³ Hull 5,000
Max Speed 200 km/h Weight Cap 15,000 T Deflector Shields 4,000
Maneuverability 2.00 Volume Cap 225,000 m³ Ionic Capacity 2,500
Sensors 8 Max Passengers 1,600 ECM 0
Crew Requirement 360

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