Karl Korne

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Karl Korne
Biographical Information
Race Zabrak with Sith Blood
Homeworld Iridonia
Mother Br`itha Korne
Father Unknown
Spouse None
Siblings Dead
Children Nex`us Korne
Born Unknown- Age 22
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 5"10
Coloring Blue Toned,
Eye Color Red{rumored}
Political Information
Affiliation House Korne
Rank Margrave-Patriarch
Positions  ::Margrave-House Korne::
Prior Affiliation See Below
Awards Unknown

The Birth of the Unknown

Karl Korne started as a young Zabrak born on the planet of Iridonia. Born into that of smaller clan which held few privileges withing the Iridonia Clans that controlled the planet as a whole. But as every clan on Iridonia. Each Clan and its members aspired to grow and build the Clan up in its social status among the clans. But being born into a smaller lesser clan meant that the children of the clan had to perform much harder. Karl, himself was chosen to lead a small group of clan warriors. Of which he took great pride upon himself in his duties for the clan. Karl lead his warriors into many battles of which were lesser battles that the larger clans felt they would pass off to the lesser clans.

And eventually due to his dedication to the Zabrak way of life. Karl was taken into the chamber of Clan Elders. Of which he turned the age of 15. And they gave him his rite of passage. But the rite of passage was like no other ever given to any member of the clan. He was told about his ancestry and how the Clan believed in the ancient way of the Sith Race. Which was extinct by that of the Sith Order. Karl was sent off to a private area on Iridonia where his clan controlled a sacred underground temple which was known only to the priests and other Clan Elders of his Clan.

Early History

Early History

Early History