Rwookrrorro Industries

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Rwookrrorro Industries
General Information
Status Active
Leader Elijah Shoryyhn
Motto N/A
Headquarters Classified
Historical Information
Founded Year 12
Political Information
Affiliation Neutral

Rwookrrorro Industries (RI) is a Wookiee company that employs many different races. As a company Rwookrrorro Industries have taken the standards and norms in the galaxy to new levels. Rwookrrorro Industries is a flexible company that is able to adapt to changes in the market and the environment; capabilities that also sets them apart from many others.

Rwookrrorro Industries believes in maintaining a stable and functional internal organization first, before trying to accomplish tasks outside of the company. To this end, community is of great importance to RI as they work hard to create friendships that will forge bonds strong enough to weather the storms that come. Members enjoy one of the more exclusive companies in existence, for joining is by invitation or recommendation only. Privileges and benefits are extended to all members because RI can help them accomplish their personal dreams and desires. Rwookrrorro Industries provide some of the very best training available that isn't designed merely to make a member capable, but also to develop an individual into a leader.

Rwookrrorro Industries value honor, loyalty, and dedication. Members enjoy regular communication with the leadership team and all members are free to weigh in on decisions presented to the company as a whole and are aware of current issues and objectives. This opportunity is not often afforded members in other organizations. However RI prefer that everyone in the company be treated with respect and regarded as a contributing member with skills, experience, knowledge, and advice to offer.