Calex van der Plas

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Calex “Lex” van der Plas
Biographical Information
Race Hapan
Homeworld [TBD]
House House Von Kaldreon, House Plas
Mother Carmilla Von Kaldreon
Father Conrad van der Plas
Siblings Caius van der Plas, Catia van der Plas
Born Year -20, Day 288
Languages Galactic Basic
Religion Zhellic Ecclesiarchy, Patron of Ferra
Quote "“The present is theirs; The future, for which I really work, is mine.”
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.65m
Weight 66kg
Coloring Tan
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Political Information
Affiliation Archduchy of Tolonda, Oshora Pharmacology
Title Squire, House Von Kaldreon
Rank Chairman, Oshora Pharmacology
Positions Doctor, Oshora Pharmacology
Prior Affiliation Plas Enterprises, Plas Foundation
  • Doctor of Engineering; Electrical Engineering (DEng;EE)
  • Doctor of Engineering; BioMedical Engineering (DEng;BME)
  • Doctor of Engineering; Chemical Engineering (DEng;CE)
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychiatry (DCP, MD)
  • Doctor of Clinical Medicine (DCM, MD)

Doctor Calex, better known as “Lex”, van der Plas is a rising star in the Medical Engineering, Cybernetic Engineering and BioChemical Engineering fields. He holds several degrees, and has worked for top producers of Medications, Armament and even Cybernetics. Deemed “Minbender” by former co-workers for his abstract approach to re-engineering the genenomes to create better and stronger sentients. Alsas, several failed experaments also leaves him labeled a Mad Scentist, and Butcher.

Critics cite his ways as unorthodox, and sometimes unethical. However, Calex has never ceased to deliver, or stopped doing what he loves – designing and producing for the future.

Growing Pains


Born to Royal blood, in his mother - Countess Carmilla Von Kaldreon, Cousin of the ruling family of the Archduchy of Tolonda. Calex was raised in a much diffrent way - being made to earn his birth right, and title through hard work and loyalty. However, his childhood was not without it’s perks - due to the familys vast wealth.

Teen Years



Road to Education

Prep School

University Studies


* Experiment Delta
* Experiment Echo

Nicknamed "Destro"


Medical Field

Engineering Field

Personal Life