Council of Native Races

From Holocron - Star Wars Combine
Revision as of 20:14, 21 February 2011 by Carn`ilo` Sabosen (talk | contribs)
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{{{Council of Native Races}}}
Leader {{{Council Chamber}}}
Foundation Date {{{Year 11}}}
Type {{{Alliance}}}
Members {{{


Emblem {{{emblem}}}
Motto {{{"One Galaxy.Many Voices"}}}
Holosite {{{Council of Native Races}}}
Affiliation {{{Neutral}}}

The Council of Native Races is a fraternity of galactic nonhuman species. It's purpose is to advocate the economic and cultural interests of indigenous communities.


Council Chamber

The leadership of the CNR is known as the "Council Chamber".It consists of at least one representative from each member community.Their purpose is the coordination of CNR policy.
