Caelo Ignis

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Revision as of 10:20, 21 November 2011 by Caelo Ignis (talk | contribs)
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Caelo Ignis
Biographical Information
Race Gand
Homeworld Gand
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse n/a
Born No information before year 12 day 348
Died n/a
Physical Description
Gender male
Height 1.35 m
Coloring Shades of green and brown
Eye Color black
Political Information
Affiliation The Wraiths,
Avance Coalition
Rank Tribunus Militum
Positions Mercenary
Prior Affiliation n/a
Awards n/a


Caelo Ignis is near of 53". He use a special breathing aparatus necessary to survive in oxigen-based atmospheres. He have skin is Shades of green and brown and a dark black eyes.

He is a reputable person, specially for the people that shows him the money.

Short Biography

Caelo was born at planet Gand like the most Gands. Early he was instructed in the use of a lot of weapons and in the mercenary art.

On year 12 day 350 he leave planet Gand to join to an important mercenary faction, The Wraiths. He started his training where he standed out soon. On year 12 Day 352 he was ascended to Tribunus Militum.

Nowadays, he is working on The Wraiths Vanguard battlegroup.