Flar Gar

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Flar Gar
Biographical Information
Race Chiss
Homeworld Csilla
Mother Not on file
Father Not on file
Spouse Deceased, Name not on file
Siblings Half Brother (1) Korvas Varik
Children Eosphoros Gar
Born Year Day
Physical Description
Gender Male
Political Information
Affiliation The Empire of the Hand
Prior Affiliation Anzatan CommonWealth, Starypan/SunHui Spaceworks, Chiss Ascendancy (Medical), CryoMed Laboratories, Rogue Squadron

Early Life:

According to one account. Flar was born on Csilla just before the great Chiss civil war. He married early moving to a little known colony planet. Working at the local shipyard, until war broke out, his wife and son, believed to be killed during the early stages of the conflict. The war resulted in Chiss culture being devastated and Csilla being lost to outside influence. The young Flar was always something of a mystery. At different points in Flar Gar’s life he was blessed with legendary figures that become his mentors.

To mention the few. Brat Costa Ru; The former Imperial Moff and Inteligence officer that later turned renegade over the actions of then Emperor Vodo. The trader Jack T Ladd, The Inteligence mastermind: Zettai Kun, and finally but not least Archon Zei.

Much as been said of Flar Gar over the years. Both the good, the bad, and the ugly however little is still known of him. In more elaborate stories he is from a future.

A Future incarination of a chiss, a time traveler or advance guard, in some versions of the same stories he is in fact both born a commoner and a noble.


Conflicting accounts exist concerning the nature of Flar Gar’s personality traits. Some have gone onto claiming at Flar Gar’s birth he was born without a personality and is likely not to develop one any time soon. Other more charitable accounts put forward the view that Flar is an interesting blend of stoic and passionate composures, a keen interest in Philosophy and the Sciences.

Many accounts list Flar as very loyal to the individual, but not strictly speaking groups. In fact Flar is recorded in saying as much.

Mid Life

Flar was able to book a package holiday out of war torn Csilla. During one of his “Working Holidays” he mangaged to secure employement with the Imperial Outer Rim Authority.

Flar learned allot during the early day’s. Flar had great drive and a keen capacity for creative thought. Thinking outside the box. But Flar clearly lacked experience making a number of mistakes.

"'....I recall my first mission. I was travelling with all the new recruits. I was very excited. I was soo keen, I decided to walk outside onto the planet even those my supervisor strictly told me not to. I had a gun to my head before I could blink. I was arrested. Thankfully I was only given a warning. Good time. Insane times ''"
— Flar Gar

Rogue Squadron

Rogue Squadron has and always will have a special place in Flar Gar's heart. When Flar needed a faction - become family, Rogue squadron helped him. His time in Rogue Squadron saw him progress to become a Magistrate. A title he still holds to this very day. He has also given the role of planet. While Flar is no longer a member of Rogue Squadron, he still is classed as a close associate. regardless of the fact that he is now a leader within the Chiss Ascendancy (Mining faction), which holds a more neutral political standpoint in the political galactic sphere.

The Chiss Ascendancy

Chiss Ascendancy (Medical Faction)

Chiss Ascendancy (Community Body)

AKA: Third Chiss Ascendancy

Flar Gar was a founding member within this organsation. They would later become known as the Chiss Ascendancy in exile. The group focused its effects around chiss culture, However because of incrased anti human policies, which Flar Gar strongly disagreed with, Flar Gar walked out taking then the Chiss Material Extractions(mnining) faction with him. The Chiss Ascendancy in exile did however recall such policies and for a short time Flar agreed to stay. But would refuse to be part of its governing body. Regardless of being asked, or not.

A matter of Intelligence

Flar Gar as worked both as an inteligence officer/agent and a inteligence director for a number of people and a number of groups. He as since retired beleiving that a good trait is always when to know when to hang up ones shoes. He still however from time to time offers some general advice.

One of Flar most important principles is to allow those that want to cause you harm to do the work for you.

Needless to say this section is very short and not detailed. Flar Gar is generally pleased with this, however some public examples are in circulation. Which Flar is equally happy with.