Harada Malani

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Harada Malani
Biographical Information
Race Ryn
Homeworld Tatooine
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children None
Born Estimated: Year -19
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 5 feet 10 inches
Coloring White
Eye Color White
Political Information
Affiliation Serv-O-Droid
Title Chief Executive Officer
Rank [HC-3]
Prior Affiliation Galactic Empire
"It seems to come down to all you know and care for disappearing before you, in a conflict that can not be solved, all it really seems to be is a war of Ideologies, Republic or Empire, does it truly matter anymore?"
— Harada Malani

Harada Malani was a Street Orphan from Tatooine, abandoned by his birth parents. He was born at sometime in Year -19 he however his birth certificate has never been recovered, leading to speculation to his actual age. He is currently working as CEO of Serv-O-Droid a new Droid Manufacturer.

Early History

Birth & Abandonment

Born on what has been though to be Year -19, Harada was abandoned in a peculiar chain of events. He was born prematurely, requiring medical care for a few days after. His parents visited him during this period. During this period the nurses often talked to them, and did get their identities, however due to an error in record keeping they lost their names, and the child's birth certificate. The day Harada was to be taken off support they did not come to the Hospital, for several weeks the hospital staff waited, they looked for anything they could find that could be used to identify the child, but it was of no use. The only thing they came up with was an account of his first name. During the time in which the hospital waited, they looked into a couple which had been shot point blank in the middle of the street. The descriptions did match that of the father's and mother's, however corrupt local law enforcement refused to allow any further inquires, despite the Hospitals constant requests. Harada was never told of the murders and believed for a long period that his parent's had indeed abandoned him.

Living in Another's Home

As the hospital waited it came apparently obvious that his parents would not be found. He was sent to an Orphanage where he stayed till he was age 6, when he was taken from the Orphanage. He was never adopted though, the person who took him, used a loophole in it's charter to take the child without filing out any documents. However the Orphanage did record that around Age 6 to 7 the child was taken over by a foster parent by the name of "Julian", no last name was given though. As it turns out the person was Julian Malani, a man who would become a father figure of the young child. At the time the child was under the name "Tyrone" as this was the name he was identified with at the hospital. Julian turned out to be a prominent member of "The Desert Snakes" a street gang on Tatooine, Julian raise the child for three years before he expressed interest in joining the gang, reluctantly Julian agreed, and he passed down his bandanna to the child in a old tradition. The Child was then named "Harada Malani". Taking Julian's last name per tradition, and a first name of Julian's choice. Harada was the original name of Julian's deceased father, who died in front of Julian during a Tusken Raid. At this point Julian left "The Desert Snakes" and has been missing ever since.

Known Ships

  • HMS Aaleyah: Galactic Ship ID: 218506 A modified YT-1300 that Harada Malani purchased as a gift for a dear friend, when she died Harada Malani out of grief renamed the ship after her. It has seen much of known and unknown space, and has been the transportation for many of Harada's explorations into deep space.
CEO of Serv-O-Droid
Preceded By:
Grouta Vermilic Smaga
CEO From
Year 13 Day 359 - Present
Succeeded By: