Tanda Bela-Trepada

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Tanda Bela-Trepada
Biographical Information
Race Nimbanel
Homeworld Bespin
Born Y-7 D26
Died N/A
Quote "Lieutenant Tanda Bela-Trepada. I'm sure in better circumstances I'd be pleased to meet you."
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.7m
Coloring Yellowish brown
Eye Color Black
Political Information
Affiliation Dacen Tibanna
Rank Lieutenant
Positions Commander of Seraph squadron
Prior Affiliation Local crime lord

Tanda Bela-Trepada was a squadron commander aboard the Quasar Fire-class bulk cruiser Archangel. He served in Dacen Tibanna's personal fleet under the rank of Lieutenant. He attained this rank because of his creative problem-solving skills, advanced even for his race, and incredible talent in the cockpit. During an ambush on an unknown Krath planet, he flew the R-41 Starchaser Seraph I alongside his wingman, Seraph II, as an escort and recon scout for Dacen aboard the Nu-class attack shuttle Guardian.