The Antarian Rangers (Years 4 - 11)
The Antarian Rangers (TAR) are a medical faction in SWC.
The Antarian Rangers are a unique paramilitary organization of non-Force-users who, unlike many citizens of the galaxy, do not fear the power of the Jedi and actively assist them whenever possible. The Antarian Rangers dedicate their lives to acting as support troops for the Jedi, and are deployed in reconnaissance and covert operations to make the work of the Jedi easier. The Antarian Rangers began their legacy as a droid producer and then later a paramilitary support group for Jedi Force-users. While they have never been an official part of the Jedi Council, their history with that body has left a lasting impression in their battle for the freedoms of all sentient beings. The early beginnings were both fruitful and disastrous. The development of the partnership between the Jedi Praxium (JP) and The Antarian Rangers was to have been a high point in the organizations growth; however, internal deception and betrayal was to bring TAR to the brink of extinction. Only by the faith and perseverance of a few was The Antarian Rangers able to survive to the present day.
Founded by Jedi Master Marus Timpel and the Gotal Kaskutal on Antar 4, the Antarian Rangers were volunteer soldiers that aided Jedi Knights primarily in situations requiring military force, but used their diverse skills to advise and aid the Jedi in a variety of fashions. While not an official segment of the Jedi Order, the Jedi Council implicitly approved of their use by individual Jedi Knights as soldiers, spies and covert agents.
The Antarian Rangers began as just a dream among some of the more alike minds of the Hapes Consortium. These select few no longer satisfied with the neutrality of the Hapan Government, and grew weary of the endless bureaucrats and politics that clouded Hapes. They eventually reached an agreement with King James, and struck out on their own, opening up some droid factories on Lorell. Droids were a good start, but it was just the first step to becoming the Rangers. They'd need droids to even the odds against them, and droids production was very profitable. While credits were never a priority of the Rangers, it took quite a bit to reach their ultimate goal - a paramilitary group the likes of which the galaxy has never seen before.
After a fairly short time in the droid business the Rangers had all the credits they needed and an army of droids to command. They sold off all the factories and converted full time to Security and military work, pledging their allegiance to the Rebel cause and swearing they wouldn't rest until the tyranny and oppression of the Empire was eradicated. In addition to this less-then humble goal; The Rangers also vowed to stand up for honor and integrity, two qualities that were lacking in this lawless and chaotic galaxy overrun with pirates, thieves and murderers.
A time of brotherhood with the Jedi Praxium followed, a time only too short. It abruptly ended with the sudden disbandment of the Praxium and in the following time the Rangers focused on their goals - alone...
TAR History is counted by rulership, whereas traditionally the leader is titled Ranger One
XX XXXX - 03 2004
Choibacco Antaria set up TAR as droid producer faction.
03 2004 - 07 2004
Samus Augil the jawa Jedi and his Padawan [Maximus Archer] decided to leave-taking over 120 million worth of ships and credits with them they turned to the dark side. Leaving many innocent Rangers stranded in their ships.
07 2004 - 08 2004
Choibacca Antaria took over temporary leader after Samus, and wanted to disband TAR, he was hot on the trail of hatred and spent most of his energy on Samus as a traitor in GNS. He left and so did most of Antarian Family.
08 2004 - 01 2005
Dedrick Rogue led the last stand and with several TAR members mainly cadets (Von Krolok, Jack Darooky, Andrew Bodowski, Deakon Jarvis, Kyle Navras, Ranos Jolpar) stood behind him and said they wanted to carry on the cause. Rogue was voted in as next leader. Under Rogues leadership, TAR had new logo, banners and updated sigs as well as the Jedi Praxium. The old logo became a badge; TAR became more active and improved.
01 2005 - 02 2005
Tine Darky was an unexpected leader thrown in on the disappearance of Rogue. The pressure she took all of it personally, and she left the job and our faction (was engaged to Terak Falcor).
02 2005 - 04 2005
Garik Vordarian, transferring over from JP due to last changes in which JP was going to be civilian and TAR military, was thrown into the job, though competent, administration was not his liking.
04 2005 - 11 2005
Deakon Jarvis was approached, very honored, and wondered if he was the best to fill the job, lacking in a lot of skills. Over time he developed a library for TAR history and managed to hold the rangers together after the Praxium was disbanded. Unfortunately, he had to step down and had elected his 2IC, Rhys Skywalker to head the Rangers.
11 2005 - 03 2006
Rhys Skywalker (deceased)
03 2006 – Day 303
Deakon Jarvis with Rhys Skywalker as Ranger Two.
Year 7 Day 303
Rhys Skywalker. After a long and productive term as Ranger One, Deakon Jarvis decided to step down into retirement leaving Rhys Skywalker as Ranger One. Skywalker began a massive construction program that boosted TAR's power and income. He also helped found The Sons and Daughters of Freedom and bough Outer Rim Excavations. Unfortunatly between pressing personal matters and a breakdown in communication between divisions within TAR, Rhys was forced to step down as Ranger One.
Daktal Hearst became his successor. Another short, quiet reign for a Ranger One. Daktal Hearst's only notable contribution to the Rangers was opening the different departments allowing them to communicate more freely, thus allowing the Rangers to operate more efficiently. He also restructured to chain of command to streamline the organization. Having accomplished what he wanted, Ranger Hearst stepped down and ceded power to Liam Helmrow.
Liam Helmrow stepped in as Ranger One and began a massive program to reorganize and restructure the whole of TAR. His first act was to bring home all ships and vehicles to secure all of the Ranger's planets. Soon all of TAR was active as never before. He pulled the members together as a family and forged them into the force they are today.
Year 9 Day 250 - Current
Char'Kargis Olort Another rough patch for the Antarian Rangers led to Liam Helmrow stepping down and handed the reigns over to long time Ranger Char'Kargis Olort.
The Antarian Rangers are a medical faction and therefore offers quite some services to you ranging from medical supplies to evacuation to our hospitals. Additionally we are experts in escorts to mediation and security are. All services are 50% up front and 50% at the completion of deal, this excludes construction which requires the cost of Raw Materials upfront minimum.
General Services
* Trade: As a member of the Traders Protection Agency The Antarian Rangers are happy to offer services as middle people in large and small trades. To have TAR act as a middle feel free to contact us via our forums.
TAR also frequently trades so for information on deals we currently have going contact the current Trade Department Leader.
* Mediation: If you have a dispute that needs assistance, be it civil, military or otherwise feel free to ask TAR. We can offer an impartial Military trial to resolve disputes. * Construction: Ranger Construction Services
Security Services
* Escorting: Ranger Escort Services * Body Guard(s): Ranger Body Guard Services * Bounty Hunting: Also available on request and each price depends upon the size of any bounty, this may be assistance or full Hunting.
Intelligence Services
* Scanning Services: Ranger Scanning Services * General & Specific Information: Costs of information varies and we can gather or supply almost anything, for further details contact the current Director of Intelligence.
External Links
Wookiepedia: [[3]]
medical faction