BFF-1 Bulk Freighter

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Revision as of 22:39, 14 April 2013 by Vernon Foxtail (talk | contribs)
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BFF-1 Bulk Freighter
Navigational Stats
Hyperspeed 4
Sublight Speed 20 MGLT
Max Speed 200 km/h
Maneuverability 3.00
Sensors 1
Escape Pods {{{escapepods}}}
Docking Bay {{{dockingbay}}}
Hangar Bay {{{hangarbay}}}
Landing Capacity {{{landingcap}}}
Flight Grade Repulsorlifts {{{repulsor}}}
Graviton Generators {{{graviton}}}
Docking Port {{{dockingport}}}
Medical Room {{{medicalroom}}}
Storage Room {{{storageroom}}}
Recycling {{{recycling}}}
Weapons/Utilities {{{weaponsutility}}}
Cargo Stats
Weight 100,010 T
Volume 255,000 m³
Weight Capacity 100,000 T
Volume Capacity 135,000 m³
Max Passengers 100
Party Slot Size {{{partyslotsize}}}
Hull Statistics
Length 125 m
Hull 800
Shield 600
Ionic Capacity 350
Raw Materials
Raw Material Price 2,944,975 Credits
Quantum 231
Meleenium 1,160
Ardanium 483
Rudic 145
Rockivory 477
Varmigio 3,027
Lommite 104
Durelium 1,009
Affiliation - Aurora Technologies

- Incom Corporation


The BFF-1 Bulk Freighter is all and nothing more than what its name states with a design that amounts to a decent hyperdrive engine surrounded by lots of cargo containers.

One advantage of this type of transport is that despite its significant size, the BFF-1 has the ability to land. However, it flies rather sluggishly at sublight speeds, requiring a pilot with a steady yet gentle hand. Besides cargo of all sorts, the manufacturers managed to make later versions acceptable for passenger transport, making room for about a hundred people. One other important attribute is the BFF-1's tractor beam. This is very handy if there's even more to haul, but it also helps multiple ships to stay in formation which is very important because these ships tend to travel in convoy.

A significant flaw in the BFF-1 Bulk Freighter is the fact that it has no armament to speak of which makes it an easy target for pirates and the like. Its thick hide, boasting good deflectors and ionic shielding as well as the 'safety' in numbers, are the only things that can make sure this ship gets the goods where it's needed.[1]
