Deakon Jarvis

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Deakon Jarvis
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Commenor
Born Year -28 Day 130
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height Six Foot
Coloring Olive Skinned
Eye Color blue
Political Information
Affiliation Freedom Warriors
Rank Sub Commander
Positions Ranger 1
Prior Affiliation The Antarian Rangers and New Republic

Early Life

A slightly private human who alway kept his early life away from the public. Born on Commenor to a middle class family. His father owned an Agricultural Company and his mother was a manager of a hotel down by the ocean in a tourist resort. Deakon was involved in shipping agricultural equipment to Corellia and Coruscant for his father. It was here he learnt a lot of life traits with his colleague and dear friend Jimbo Jinn flying around on an old YT 1250 known as the "Whiskey Rose". A turn of events that shattered his family, career and friends, traumitised Deakon, he resorted to drink. It was waking up in Year 5 on Tatioone down a side alley with only the clothing and a few credits to his name, that made him make a commitment on a life ultering decision that directed him away from all the things known from his past.

"I got so drunk, I never knew how I ended up on Tatioone with less than 5,000 credits. Alone with no job, no ship, no purpose. All I can think of... was this... the worst case of the dries. I just wanted to drink, to cure the hangover of my so called life."
— Deakon Jarvis

The Antarian Rangers

"When darkness falls. Look for the light. There is always hope."
— Deakon Jarvis

Rebel Alliance and the Creation of the New Republic

The Rambling Trader Years

Unexpected Friend and the Return of Freedom Warriors

"Deakons Law 14:
The more you think and believe in something the better the chance it will happen."
— Deakon Jarvis

The Galactic Alliance


Related Topics

Deakon's Law

Freedom Warriors

The Antarian Rangers