Tomas o`Cuinn

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Tomas o`Cuinn
Biographical Information
Race Hapan / Diathim / Gotal (Metamorphosis Plague Victim)
Mother Maeveen o`Cuinn
Father Culain o`Cuinn
Spouse None
Siblings Kelwyn o`Cuinn
Children None
Born Y-15 D122
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 6' 2" (188cm)
Weight 200lbs (90kg)
Eye Color Blue/Green
Political Information
Affiliation Freelance
Rank Not applicable
Positions Not applicable
Prior Affiliation Black Sun, Y13 D324 - Y14 D354
Awards No Formal Awards; Numerous rewards for loyalty and dedication

Tomas O`Cuinn was a Metamorphosis Plague victim who was transformed into a Gotal on Year 15 Day 12 when the Pindaar System was discovered carrying the plague there and having it adapt.