Jja Shilo

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Jja Shilo
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Jellicle
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse Unknown
Siblings Two brothers
Children None
Born Unknown
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height Unknown
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Political Information
Affiliation Galactic Empire
Imperial Core
Dark Empire
Positions 5th Fleet CO

Jja Shilo was born in the Iktotchi Moon to an Iktotchi mother, his father was a Corellian pilot working from a station just outside the moon's orbit. His father was a large part of his life during the 13 years that he was stationed near by and even after he was transferred he still continued to involve himself from a distance and visited every chance he got. Jja SHilo's last contact from my father was when he turned 23. Jja received a message from him with two sets of numbers. One he understood as a galactic location and the second he had no clue.

Not getting into much boring detail here, Jja found my way to the location to find a stowed ship, and of course the second set of numbers were the access code.

Growing up on the Iktotchi Moon, as all males where, Jja was inducted into flight school at a very young age.

Jja is also being the leader of Pulsar Recycling.