Ke'gyce Keldab

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Veltraa-class cruiser
Ke'gyce Keldab
AffiliationTomas o`Cuinn
Navigational Stats:
Sublight Speed40 MGLT
Turbo Lasers20
Tractor Beams3
Heavy Lasers6
Cargo Stats:
Weight900,000 T
Volume7,500,000 m³
Weight Cap2,100 T
Volume Cap13,000 m³
Max Passengers800
Hull Stats:
Length600 m m
Deflector Shields3,000
Ionic Capacity2,500


The Ke'gyce Keldab is a Veltraa-class cruiser that serves as the flagship of Tomas o`Cuinn's naval fleet. The Veltraa-class is based upon designs of an ancient Sith variation of the Interdictor-class cruiser, though its combat capabilities have been greatly reduced and it lacks the much desired gravity generators incorporated into its famous predecessor.

A family relic for longer than Cuinn has drawn breath, the cruiser was given to him by his parents upon graduating from the University of Charubah. While employed by the Black Sun crime syndicate, Cuinn utilized Aurora Technologies, and later White Star, to outfit and modify the cruiser's interior design for a more luxurious and aesthetic appeal along with replacing many of the dated systems with modern technology. The flight-grade repulsorlifts, an unusual fit for a Capital-class starship, allows both atmospheric entry and surface landing capability and combined with its powerful turbolasers, these specifications put the cruiser into a unique category. When "danger close" turbolaser support is needed during surface combat, the Ke'gyce Keldab answers the call with a vigorous amount of firepower. The extremely accurate destruction wrought by its twenty turbolasers combined with the monstrous visual that accompanies a massive cruiser inside an atmosphere are enough to turn the tide in any situation.

Fighter Complement

The Ke'gyce Keldab's turbolaser batteries give it good defense against other Capital-class starships, but the limited number of heavy lasers leave it quite vulnerable to squadrons of starfighters. To counter this, the cruiser carries its own complement of starfighters comprised of fifteen R-41 Starchasers and fifteen MkI Star Saber XC-01 starfighters.