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Revision as of 22:31, 24 October 2015 by Hrchacca Tcuk (talk | contribs) (Minor PhysicalDescription + Gramatical edits)
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Hrchacca Tcuk
Biographical Information
Race Wookiee
Homeworld Kashyyyk, Mytaranor (Sector)
Born 5 B.C.G.T. [22 B.B.Y.]
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 2.10 meters
Coloring Ranging from tan and buff to light brown shades
Political Information
Affiliation The Exchange
Title Undermajordomo
Prior Affiliation
  • Torize
  • Gamorrean Rinds™ Inc.
Awards None

Hrchacca Tcuk (pronounced / jɑːʧɔːkə khxʊk / or [yhar-chahk-ah kh-uk]) is a figure of meagre renown in the business of blast door-installation and starship maintenance. Hrchacca knows it’s best to keep his head down and earn your eighty credits a day. Who’d want to be an officer anyways with all that force-choking going on?


> Duct tape is like The Force.

> It's what's inside that counts.

> He shot a dianoga once. Why? I have no idea.

> In his latest display of sith-awful judgement.