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Revision as of 09:21, 30 October 2015 by Hrchacca Tcuk (talk | contribs) (Amended minor PersonalContent)
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Hrchacca Tcuk
Biographical Information
Race Wookiee
Homeworld Kashyyyk, Mytaranor (Sector)
Born 5 B.C.G.T. [22 B.B.Y.]
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 2.10 meters
Coloring Ranging from tan and buff to light brown shades
Political Information
Affiliation The Exchange
Title Undermajordomo
Prior Affiliation
  • Gamorrean Rinds Inc.™
  • BinarySuns™

Hrchacca Tcuk (pronounced / jɑːʧɔːkə khxʊk / or [yhar-chahk-ah kh-uk]) is a figure of slight renown in the business of blast door-installation and starship maintenance. Hrchacca knows it’s best to keep his head down and earn your eighty credits a day. Who’d want to be an officer anyways with all that force-choking going on?


> Duct tape is like The Force.

> It's what's inside that counts.

There’s not a lot Hrchacca wants you to know about him. Not even seemingly innocuous things, like where he keeps his mint condition Maur "Hyperspace" Howins smashball-card or what kind of doughnuts he ate to pile on 40 pounds on his last trip to Malastare (Devaronian Devil Girl, it transpires). He balks at even revealing the names of his two dim-witted Battle droids, as if, like the backwards tribes of Yelsain II, he fears that doing so would rob the droids of their souls.

> He shot a dianoga once. Why? I have no idea.

> In his latest display of sith-awful judgement.

The G-type freighter Only Slightly Bent. A customised starship hand-crafted by Hrchacca. Now available at all quality Starports !