Thrall Lothbrok

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Thrall Lothbrok
Biographical Information
Race Coruscanti
Homeworld Coruscant
Mother Alva Lothbrok(Deceased)
Father Baldar Lothbrok(Deceased)
Marital Status Single
Siblings Deceased
Children Deceased
Born 21 Physically
Languages Basic
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 6'2"
Weight 121Ibs
Coloring White
Hair Color Grey
Eye Color Blue
Political Information

The Beginning

Thrall Lothbrok was the lone survivor of an Old-Republic cryo ship from the jedi civil war period, being the commanding officer of the ship he was the last person the on-board Artificial Intelligence Sierra kept alive as power began to drain over the four thousand years it drifted in space. He was eventually revived by the A.I as defense protocols activated as the ship was boarded by the crew of a salvage ship, mistaking the intruders for mandalorian's left over from the mandalorian wars Thrall slaughtered the trespassers and then wiped out the crew of the salvage ship. Soon realizing that he had been in cryo-stasis for a lot longer than he had thought.

He downloaded the ships A.I system and took the salvage ship, using it to travel to a civilized area, arriving at Coruscant he saw a planet he didn't recognize, massive ships of impossible size defending the planet. He eventually went through the long bureaucratic process of joining a university and learning all he could about the galaxy that had changed so much.

Eventually he completed his studies in Management as well as Practical and Theoretical Engineering, joining Shobquix Industries shortly afterwards and slowly working his way up the ranks of the collective.