Vir`uan Family

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Per Temporis Sustinemus
Through Time, We Endure
Historical Information
FounderArtemia Ev'reuin
TitlesMatriarch (Currently)
EstablishedPrior to the 1st Alsakan Conflict
General information
Current headSia Vir`uan
HeadquartersNocturnal Palace
FlagshipLegatum Ex Alsakandum
AffiliationEv'reuin Reliquary
SpeciesHuman (Alsakani/Hapan Primarily)

Born of Alsakan, the Ev'reuin Family primarily consists of Humans specifically of Alsakani and Hapan stock. The Family has endured since before the 1st Alsakan Conflict and has suffered its share of rises and falls. The family is just starting to recover from the major losses it sustained during the Clone Wars. Divided across the galaxy, the name of Ev'reuin begins its rise once more, its fate unchanged, for through time, we endure. With the family merger of the Hapan Vir`uans the Ev'reuin have taken on a Matriarchal Stance, with Sia Vir`uan appointed as current Matriarch of the family. The traditional words of the family have always been "Through Time, We Endure", but in recent years the inclusion of the phrase "To Yourself Be True" has become quite common amongst the younger generations of the family.

Historical Information
