Outbound Flight Project

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Outbound Flight Project
General Information
Status Active
Leader Zari Jinzler
Historical Information
Founded Year 20 Day 200
Political Information
Affiliation Empire of the Hand
Chiss Ascendancy
Industry Mercenaries

The Following is the chronicle of the Outbound Flight Project, founded by Zari Jinzler Year 20 Day 200


Early Inspiration

Outbound Flight Project faction was founded during the height of an event called "The Zoo Feud" where many in the galaxy divided themselves into four inter-group teams. During this period, Zari Jinzler was an officer in the the Empire of the Hand fighting with EOTH and its allies in the 'Zoo keepers Alliance' waging battle against their opposition. Zari was initially on Tynna, where they took the task of on killing bandits and creatures then headed to Derra to wage war against an enemy comprised of corvettes and fighters.

During this period of tribulation, Zari decided that he needed a home, EOTH needed a home. In between battles, Zari began to scan through public databases looking for information on expeditions from olden days. Since the collapse of the Old Republic, systems had been lost to the public record, Tynna had been one such system. What else, who else was out there to be discovered? It was during this process of exploration that Zari uncovered the Outbound Flight Project, a mission of colonization that was never launched which but could have put it in conflict with the Chiss. This time, Zari approached EOTH command and pitched the idea of taking the idea and remaking the concept. Instead of working for the Republic, it would be in collaboration with the Hand.

As the battle raging above Derra waned, Zari quietly announced to the galaxy of the founding of the Outbound Flight Project. Specific details such as the destination of the project remained classified to the public.

Notable Dates

Year 20 Day 200  : Founding of the Outbound Flight Project
Year 20 Day 248  : Alliance with Chiss Ascendancy and Empire of the Hand


  • (Year 20)