Samux Marus

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Samux Marus
Biographical Information
Race Kushiban, Cyborg Hybrid
Homeworld Kushibah
Mother Unknown
Father Unkown
Spouse Zashtayn Marus
Born Y-15, D241
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.3 meters
Eye Color Heterochromia
Political Information
Affiliation The Resistance, Kamino Medical Laboratories
Title Brigadier General, Chief of Medical Operations
Rank C-1 Military, C-2 Ordinance
Positions Military Executive Officer, Director of Kamino Medical Laboratories
  • Resistance Bronze Star
  • Financial Service Ribbon
  • Star of Loyalty
  • Resistance Military Cross
  • RMF Letter of Commendation
  • World Construction Ribbon x4
  • Active Mission Ribbon x5
  • Logistics Mastery Ribbon x3
  • Resistance Communication Ribbon
  • Community Development Ribbon x3
  • Resistance Service Ribbon (2 Year)
  • Faction Recruiting Ribbon x2
  • Shadow Ribbon
  • RMF Medal of Progress x3
  • RMF Mentioned in Dispatches
  • Operation Unknown Signals


Samux Marus is a veteran of the Galactic civil war, a Brigadier General and Executive Officer of the Resistance Military. He also serves as the Surgeon General of the Resistance and head biochemist responsible for developing the treatments used during the conflicts. A little above average height, samux stands at about 1.3 meters tall and is capable of jumping about the height of a human teenager. Due to serious bodily injury when he was younger, Samux was forced into choosing a slow painful death where he was expected to live another five-to-ten years at best or to undergo cybernetic surgery to save his life. The Doctor at the time was Zashtayn Marus who Samux later married and adopted her last name as Kushiban typically have one-word names. Samux looks mostly natural at first glance, but closer inspection will detail some cybernetics that replaced his right arm and parts of his chest and right eye. His fur is usually kept well trimmed as a soldier he couldn't afford to have fur issues in the field. He is able to still manipulate his fur and eye to match his mood, personality or situation as many Kushiban can. His Cybernetics are usually a flat black color for operational ease while in the field. Samux is usually seen wearing his military uniform that has been form-fitted for his species, despite wanting a cape it's not practical for Samux to be Bipedal unless the situation dictates. He can run, dodge and maneuver faster on all four limbs. Normally Samux appears as a darker gray fur as his natural choice. He often suffers small bouts of pain due to his cybernetics but it has made him stronger over time.




The Resistance

The Resistance Military

Kamino Medical Laboratories



Award Image

Award Name

Awarded By

Date Received

Resistance Bronze Star

Maj. General William Siethr

Year 20

Financial Service Ribbon

General Crueya Vandron

Year 20

Star of Loyalty

General Crueya Vandron

Year 21

Resistance Military Cross

Maj. General William Siethr

Year 21

Letter of Commendation x4

Resistance Command


World Construction Ribbon x5

Maj. General William Siethr


Active Mission Ribbon x5

Resistance Command


Logistics Mastery Ribbon x4

Maj. General William Siethr


Resistance Communication Ribbon

Resistance Command

Year 20

Community Development Ribbon x3

Resistance Command


Faction Recruiting Ribbon x2

Resistance Command


Resistance Service Ribbon (3 Year)

Resistance Command

Year 21

Shadow Ribbon

General Crueya Vandron

Year 21

RMF Medal of Progress x3

Maj. General William Siethr


RMF Mentioned in Dispatches x3

Resistance Command


Operation: Unknown Signals

The New Republic


Notable Positions and Titles

Chief of Medical Operations (KML)
Preceded By:
Samux Marus
Year 21 Day 208 — Current
Succeeded By:

Director of Resistance Intelligence (RIN)
Preceded By:
Crueya Vandron
Samux Marus
Year 20 Day 137 — Year 21 Day 1
Succeeded By:
Crueya Vandron

Resistance Military Executive Officer (RMF)
Preceded By:
Samux Marus
Year 19 Day 146 — Current
Succeeded By:
