C-9979 Landing Ship

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Haor Chall Engineering was given a contract by the Trade Federation to create a landing ship for transporting the huge battle droid armies from the large capital class ships to the planets that were being invaded bellow. Their unique design and large wingspan strike terror into those whom these ships are brought upon. The specially built C-9979 transport ship can hold heavy armor and legions of troops throughout the habitable volume contained within its hull. The C-9979's immense wings are removable for ease of storage and docking. When deployed, powerful tensor field generators bind the wings to the craft, and strengthen the vessel's overall structural integrity. The ship is capable of being piloted by an entire crew of droid pilots. Small fleets of these ships are capable of being directed by one sentient being aboard a droid control ship. Now that Haor Chall Engineering has changed its focus to vehicles, the Trade Federation now builds these massive deployment weapons of war itself thought the demand for such ships have diminished. In past days the C-9979 were used to transport Battle Droid from Lucrehulk 3210 Battleships to the surface of a planet. But now the Lucrehulks descend upon the planets themselves, and the C-9979s are used for missions where a Lucrehulk would be overkill.


This ship is affiliated to Trade Federation.


The estimated price of the raw materials required to build this ship is 1,757,701.

Materials Amount
Quantum 457
Meleenium 4,698
Ardanium 373
Rudic 229
Rockivory 365
Tibannagas 44
Varmigio 1,155
Lommite 40
Durelium 385


Weapon Amount
Heavy Lasers 8


Navigation Stats - Cargo Stats - Hull Stats
Hyperspeed 2 Weight 60,000 T Length 370 m
Sublight Speed 20 MGLT Volume 1,400,000 m³ Hull 1,600
Max Speed 200 km/h Weight Cap 6,000 T Deflector Shields 200
Maneuverability 2.00 Volume Cap 30,000 m³ Ionic Capacity 1,000
Sensors 1 Max Passengers 250 ECM 0
Crew Requirement 40