Iroh Eikh`mir

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Iroh Eikh`mir
Biographical Information
Race Noghri
Homeworld Honoghr
Mother unknown
Father unknown
Spouse unknown
Siblings none
Children none
Born unknown
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 4'7
Coloring Steely Grey
Hair Color None
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information
Affiliation Arkanian Royal Engineers
Rank HC-2
Positions Vice-President
Prior Affiliation Tapani Starship Cooperative
Awards ARE: Bronze Service Award, Silver Construction Services Ribbon, ARE 6 Months of Service Ribbon, Arbran V Operational Ribbon and NR: Outstanding Excellence Award

Iroh Eikh`mir is the founding member of Clan Eikh`mir. He has spent most of his life affiliated with the Arkanian Royal Engineers.

Early life

Iroh Eikh`mir grew up on Honoghr and loved to spend time in his villages dukha. Disaster soon struck Honoghr. The planet was poisoned when a lucrehulk carrying Trihexalophine1138 was destroyed during the Battle of Honoghr. Not many escaped in fact most noghri had to stay behind. However, Iroh was able to escape the poisonous planet.

Legionnaires to the Rescue

After escaping Honoghr, Iroh was essentially rescued by being offered work within the Aurodium Legion's ship company, Tapani Starship Cooperative (TSC). Iroh was very thankful for the job and enjoyed TSC. However, once he found out that the Legion would soon be aligning with the Galactic Empire he made plans to leave.

Arkanian Royal Engineers

When Iroh left the Tapani Sector we felt led to travel the Bpfassh System. He had never been there and can not explain why he went there except for the will of the force. While on Bpfassh planet he stumbled upon an ancient city. The city contained many old chapels and one large cathedral. There were statues in the city that led him to believe that it must have been a Praxeum at some point. Iroh was drawn into the cathedral and to his surprise he was met by a force ghost. He did not know who the force ghost was but he was wearing a Naboo Royal Forces uniform. Through the will of the force, he stayed in the Bpfassh system and sought to join the Arkanian Royal Engineers.


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