Forkallo Gejalli Masi

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Forkallo Gejalli Masi
Biographical Information
Race Hutt
Homeworld Nal Hutta
Mother See Father
Father Ruballa Gejalli Masi
Spouse None
Siblings Brother - Deceased
Children None
Born Year -216 Day 268
Died N/A
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 3 Meters
Coloring Brown/Yellow
Hair Color None
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information
Affiliation Gejalli Kajidic
Rank Kajidii
"Dopo mee gusha, peedunkey?"
— Forkallo the Hutt


Personal Effects



Forkallo's philosophy is much different than other Hutts. He believes in addressing situations, hands on. His large body is a natural weapon, in melee he uses his large tail to bludgeon enemies who dare get within range. For long range action, he carries a BT-500 strapped to his back, as well as dual DL-44s.


His body provides natural resistance against blaster fire, poisons, and some bladed weapons. He has a custom made set of armor that he wears when in battle.