Chiss Material Extractions

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The Chiss Ascendancy, established yr 12, formely Chiss Material Extractions
General Information
Status {{{status}}}
Leader {{{leader}}}
Historical Information
Founded {{{founded}}}
Political Information
Industry {{{industry}}}

Motto:Mining for a brighter future!


All beings in the Galaxy demand a sense of freedom and the Chiss are in no way different. It was decided in recent times that the “Third Chiss Ascendancy” needed time to reorganize itself. The Chiss Council decided that her people, and her friends, will not give up the dream to control its own destiny. Enter into the fold. The all new Chiss Ascendancy, formerly known as Chiss Material Extractions.

It is a sure thing in the Galaxy that raw materials are an absolute necessary. In order for the Chiss to build its own destiny. The Chiss Ascendancy Materials branch, Chiss Material Extractions, hopes to help build yours. Always on the look out for new talent and new contracts, be it, contracts from upcoming or established entrepreneur, or large to small groups within our galaxy. Our neutral company is matched with professionalism and enthusiasm with a dash of the very rare kind of blue. Why not contact us today for of your material needs.


Chiss Material Extractions now called The Chiss Ascendancy (mining) was forged partly on the efforts of a medical practice that also held the name of, Chiss Ascendancy.

Chiss Material Extractions( Now THC ) is driven by a force and need to give the Chiss a chance to control their own destiny. Despite the name and predominately chiss membership, nonchiss are welcome. The goal is the creation of a pro chiss community, to provide a sound structural base, and to seeking a better life.

While some members of The Chiss Ascendancy (Currently a mining group) are members of the Chiss Ascendancy which can be described as a culture centre for all chiss, The Chiss Ascendancy (mining) is itself independent and is headed by a Board of Directors. Which is chaired by majority shareholder Flar Gar.

In Year 12 Day 109 Carn`ilo` Sabosen was arrested and then executed under Flar Gar’s orders.

Carn'ilo' Sabosen once long time trusted friend and close aide attempted to have Flar Gar captured and presumably killed. Believing that Flar Gar mocked and taken over his vision of the Chiss Ascendancy.

Flar Gar however discovered the plot and instead had Carn'ilo' Sabosen captured and then terminated. A moved that a number of Chiss considered non chiss like.

Flar Gar as maintained core aspects in the running for Chiss Material Extractions, now currently called The Chiss Ascendancy (mining)

1. Chiss Culture must expand and adapt to the tribulations it as face in recent times, for example the loss of its home world. Generally not necessarily hostile to Chiss but for the most part a non-chiss planetary government. Chiss Culture can therefore no longer remain left or go along as if they are isolated which was often the preferred choice of the past. In fact Flar Gar and The Chiss Ascendancy embodies this progressive stand even by taking residency of Dayral.

2 While the traditions and the culture of the chiss must be carried on (which is in line with the cultural chiss of old, confusingly also bearing the name, Chiss Ascendancy. It must do so with point one in mind. (which may branch away for the other chiss Ascendacy that bears the same name.

In the Case of the above while punishment for crimes is not meet with execution under the traditional chiss legal system. Flar Gar felt that Carn’ilo’Sabosen would have been on some level a threat to not only Flar but also Carn’ilo’sabosen and chiss culture despite the fact that Carn’ilo’Sabosen as also contributed in no small way to the progaition and reconstruction of chiss culture. The extraordinary case had to be meet with extraordinary measures.

In the aftermath that followed a decision was made to rename Chiss Material Extractions back to its historical lineage, The Chiss Ascendancy. This is widely considered to be one of the most hotly debated decisions among Chiss.

Regardless which side of the coin the reader falls this issue is unlikely to be resolved any time soon and it should not be forgotten that Carn’ilo Sabosen as left a positive contribution and legacy. Part of which can be traced through Chiss Material Extractions.

Board of Directors