Victory I-class Star Destroyer

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Revision as of 22:15, 3 February 2014 by Rupert Havok (talk | contribs)
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The predecessor of the fearsome and ubiquitous Imperial-class, the Victory-class Star Destroyer saw the height of its production in the beginning of the clone wars, filling the need of the Old Republic for a capital ship capable of fulfilling multiple combat roles. The unique, dagger-shaped design of the Star Destroyer allows the Victory-class to concentrate nearly all of its weapons on its front firing arc. This ingenious design has since been copied in every subsequent design of the Star Destroyer by the Empire. While only little more than half the size of the Imperial-class, the Victory-class Star Destroyer mounts 120 turbolaser batteries and 20 proton torpedo launchers, giving it more offensive punch than its larger cousin. Both troop berths and hangar space were sacrificed in order to mount the additional weapons on the hull, making the Victory-class Star Destroyer a dedicated ship-to-ship combat vessel whereas the Imperial-class is able to serve many more functions in the Imperial Navy. After seizing galactic power after the fall of the Old Republic, the Galactic Empire kept the Victory-class in service and even continued to build the vessel, updating and refitting its secondary systems as necessary. In addition to the Empire, several other governments and even some private citizens are known to have acquired some of the fearsome vessels which made their way out of the Republic Navy during its transition to the Empire.


This ship is affiliated with the Galactic Empire.


The estimated price of the raw materials required to build this ship is 9,739,849.

Materals Amount
Quantum 1,611
Meleenium 16,783
Ardanium 1,243
Rudic 1,067
Rockivory 33
Tibannagas 1,742
Varmigio 8,284
Lommite 438
Durelium 2,761


Weapon Amount
Turbolasers 120
Tractor Beams 10
Proton Torpedo Launchers 20


Navigation Stats - Cargo Stats - Hull Stats
Hyperspeed 3 Weight 1,150,000 T Length 900 m
Sublight Speed 10 MGLT Volume 23,000,000 m³ Hull 5,600
Max Speed 100 km/h Weight Cap 17,000 T Deflector Shields 4,400
Maneuverability 2.00 Volume Cap 250,000 m³ Ionic Capacity 2,800
Sensors 8 Max Passengers 1,600 ECM 0
Crew Requirement 450

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