Chances are he will spit on you on sight.
Arch-Cancellor of the Jedi Praxium was his first notable job. It was year 3 when Orion Silverhelm welcomed him to the group where he, along with legendary omni-strategist Array Bucol, would spent endless days restructuring the organization into one of the most active factions in the galaxy.
A couple of years later he left the Praxium to join Silverhelm again in an up and coming weapon builder known as Myorzo, which would in turn give way to a business conglomerate known as the Corporate Sector Authority. As Direx-Board member he orchestrated the creation of new businesses such SEMinc and Magnaguard Manufacturing. Known all around as the CSA's watchdog he failed to save the government from the event in which, an unknown and probably mentally unstable man named Julian Anumia (aprox), posed as pilot of CSA's leader only to engage the ship full sublight speed into the nearest star.
After the disolution of the CSA he seeked refuge within the Old Republic without holding any real political nor productive position. Given his anti-imperial nature and affiliation for all things anti-imperial he managed to obtain a New Republic diplomatic visa that reads as follows: "To you and your crew: New Republic Visa. On behalf of the High Ambassador of the New Republic Diplomacy Command, the beared of this message should be granted entry into New Republic space and afforded lawful protections." A message he keeps on his person at all times.
At the time of the CSA disolution, and as the only active Senior Direx Member, he was given emergency powers to lead the restructure of the government as specified in the chart, which is, incidentally, another piece of literature he keeps on his person at all times. He denies the legitimacy of the current CSA to rule over the territories known as The Corporate Sector. He also denies the Galactic Empire as having such right.