The Morgukai were one of several secret societies formed in the history of the Nikto people of Kintan.
Little was known of the order, but its members (usually of the Kajain'sa'Nikto race) were renowned for their intense hatred of the Jedi and their strict code of honor. Morgukai followers used armour and staffs infused with cortosis alloy, which was resistant to the lightsabers used by their Jedi nemesis. To fight their sworn enemies, they developed mental exercises to resist the Jedi mind trick.
Their order bore some similarity to that of the Jedi. Fathers took their sons as apprentices, training them in the deadly arts. An example of this is the master-student bond between the Nikto Diabolus`ut Persovlo and Simeon Promethion. Also, Morgukai initiates were required to build their own cortosis staffs as a test of their devotion to the order.
Despite their violent ways, the Morgukai had a strong sense of honour. The current Master of the Morgukai is Diabolus`ut Persolvo and he has begun leading the Morgukai order to a new age of power and devotion.