Wes Nuuk

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Wes Nuuk
Biographical Information
Race Jawa
Mother Crist
Father Unknown
Siblings Tek Yang (half-brother)
Children Yang Nuuk (son)
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.0 meters
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information
Affiliation Corellian Transport Services
Prior Affiliation Nuuk clan , Industrial Automaton
Awards n/a

Wes Nuuk is a freight pilot, curently employed by Corellian Transport Services.

The life of Crist

Crist Yang attempts to hold on to her sanity.

Wes's mother, Crist was originally part of the Yang clan. It was there that Wes's force sensitive older half-brother, Tek yang was born.

During the events of order 66, the clan leader, ex-Jedi Dev Yang gave refuge to a Jedi master who began teaching Tek the ways of the force. Sadly, the Empire eventually found out about the harbored Jedi and sent a strike force down to eliminate him. The strike force wiped out a majority of the clan, including Dev Yang, as well as the Jedi. Crist survived the attack and wondered the empty desert for three days before running into the Nuuk clans sandcrawler. It was there that Wes was born, two years later.


Do to circumstances unknown to the public, most of the Nuuk clan had later met a similar fate to that of the Yang clan.

Wes has since, abandoned most of the ways of the common jawa and has taken to the stars.

He at one point applied for a job at Industrial Automation. He was accepted, but then decided to not take the job because he felt that he would find more enjoyment in transport.

Wes Nuuk is currently employed by Corellian Transport Services.

Marriage and Children

Wes was briefly married to Vic Vee. They had a son that he named Yang. The current whereabouts of Vic and Yang are unknown. Some beleave that Yang was born with force abilities and is being mentored by Wes's half-brother Tek.


  • Assigned Ship

YT-1300 Falcon(Not to be confused with another YT-1300 with a similar name)

  • Weapons and Gear

Wears a baggy, custom-made, hooded flight suit.

He carries a DDC Defender Pistol.

  • Droids

Nut: A small, 0.3 meter wide, hovering, translator droid named Nut follows Wes everywhere.

A6: A yellow R3 series droid that was found aboard the falcon.
