Vi Kairo

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Vi Kairo
Biographical Information
Race Genetically Modified Anzati
Homeworld Manda
Clan Ora'jair
Father Gota Kairo
Children Dozens of Adopted Children
Born 640 BCGT
Languages Native

Galactic Basic


Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.94m
Eye Color Violet Photoreceptors
Political Information
Affiliation Mando'ade
Title Ori'Rami'kad
Positions Formerly


Prior Affiliation Gree Trade Authority

Black Sun

Vi Kairo is a Mandalorian mercenary and current member of Mando'ade. Though biologically Anzati, he is the product of a spectacularly failed initiative to create an army of genetically superior Clone Soldiers from an unknown Anzati bounty hunter over half a Millennium ago. He is known to be mentally and emotionally unstable at the best of times, a direct result of the excessive experimentation with his genome.

Kairo is a veteran mercenary, having served in countless conflicts and skirmishes over the centuries including the Clone Wars and the more recent Mandalorian Civil War, most notably playing a role in the Battle of Karedda.

Vi is one of the few remaining Mandalorians who have fought for Kai Oryk before and after his taking the mantle of Mand'alor, pledging his rifle to Oryk's cause in early Year 11 CGT.

He is among the 3 individuals who have led Kai's band of mercenaries, briefly acting as leader of the group before deciding he was ill-suited for the responsibility and realities of holding the clans together and offering them direction, and later acting as a steward of sorts before the return of Anto Tka to whom Vi relinquished leadership with gusto.

Despite his aversion to responsibility, Vi has served as second-in-command to both Oryk and Tka at various times throughout the group's history, and with far more success than his brief forays into leadership.