User:George Crindel

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Revision as of 08:08, 19 December 2017 by George Crindel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{stub}} {{Infobox Character | name = George Crindel | image = 330px | homeworld = Tatooine (Arkanis Sector) | race = Human/Tatoo | mother = Ev...")
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{stub}} {{Infobox Character | name = George Crindel | image = | homeworld = Tatooine (Arkanis Sector) | race = Human/Tatoo | mother = Eva Louise Lutz | father = Robert Crindel | spouse = | partner = | siblings = Michelle Crindel
[[Eva Crindel] | children = | born = Y -11 D 377 | died = | quote = | gender = Male | height = 1.72 Meters | coloring = | hair color = Black Hair | eye color = Brown | affiliation = Tion Hegemony | title = Recruit | rank = RCT | positions = | prior affiliation = | awards = }}

Life On Tatoo

George Robert Crindel was born to a Tatoo Woman by the name of Eva Louise Lutz he was born on year 11 in a Sector Arkanis on ohanna minora