Serena Moon

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Serena Moon
Biographical Information
Race Kuati
Homeworld Kuat
Mother Andrea Moon (Deceased)
Father Derek Moon (Deceased)
Partner None
Siblings A few sisters
Children None
Born -7 D321
Languages Numerous
Physical Description
Gender Female
Hair Color Red, with black highlights
Eye Color Born Blue, Blood red Current (various shades of red)
Political Information
Affiliation Galactic Empire
Rank Adjutant
Positions Adjutant of the Corellian Oversector
Awards File:Http:// moon.png

Serena Moon was born on the planet Kuat in the year -7, to her mother Andrea Moon, and her father Derek Moon. Her mother was a wealthy aristocrat who married her father a year before Serena was born who, at the time, was just starting out as a ship designer for Kuat Drive Yards. Serena stands at 1.78 meters , with an undisclosed weight, has long silky red hair and piercing blood red eyes. Serena grew up within a privileged life of luxury, attending social events with her mother while her father worked in the yards and attended all the prestigious Kuati schools, both private and public. Her mother passed away in an airspeeder accident when she was five and her father passed away of a stroke in a hospital while she was graduating from college. With nowhere else to go, she joined the Imperial Navy, starting a long career within the Galactic Empire. She is currently the Adjutant of the Corellian Oversector within the Imperial Regional Government