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Leikala'Mei Sabosen
Biographical Information
Race Chiss
Homeworld Csilla
Spouse None
Siblings Unknown
Children None
Born Year 10 BCGT
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.83 Meters
Coloring Blue
Eye Color Red
Political Information
Affiliation Chiss Ascendancy-in-Exile, Aeramaxis Technologies
Rank Crahsystor
Positions Sabosen Household Phalanx, Emissary to The New Republic
Prior Affiliation Sun Guard


Early Life

Leikala'Mei was born in the capital city of Csaplar on Csilla sometime in Year 10 BCGT. Like most Chiss, she matured rapidly and in Year 0 CGT, at the age of 10, became a cadet at the Chiss Academy where she excelled in starfighter piloting, combat, and tactics.

Year 4 CGT - Upon graduating, Leikala'Mei was assigned to the Csilla Colonial Phalanx

Year 6 CGT - She and her men were appointed to the CEDF

Year 8 CGT - She and a small group of other soldiers resign their commissions and inexplicably leave military service.

Year 11 CGT - Leikala'Mei leaves Csilla after being picked up at the Csaplar Spaceport by former employer Magnus Plaga

Thyrsus Sun Guards

The Chiss Ascendancy (In Exile)

Some time in Year 11, Leikala'Mei made the acquaintance of Aristocra Carn'Ilo Sabosen. After many talks about the state of Chiss affairs and their feelings about them, they discovered they had many ideas in common and it was at that time that the Aristocra offered her a position commanding the Sabosen Hosehold Phalanx.