Lilith Delcroix
- "A balance of fear and love is acceptable."

Lilith, full name Countess Lilith Kaine-Del`croix is a very pale, average sized Hapan girl with long black hair, often partialy coloured magenta. She was born with emerald green eyes but because of the dark side aura of her former wife and the Force sect she was part of her eyes turned amber. For casual wearing she prefers dresses, shirts and skirts, often either black, white, red, purple or mixture of all. When required to wear armour, formally or for protection, Lilith prefers her ivory royal armour. She also always wears a black leather collar with few jewels that is permanently locked around her neck.
Lilith's whole right arm and part of her shoulder has been replaced with cybernetics of metalic silver colour and engraved details. She rarely talks about how she lost her arm but never tries to hide the fact that she has an artifical arm.
After becoming a widow Lilith changed, she used to be mostly happy and cheerful person, and around her wife very obedient and playful but she became distant, cold and prefers to keep to herself, though she is warm and open person to her close friends.
As she grew up she was found to be naturaly good at some things, like project management and leadership, but she doesn't uses those skills often. She is very skilled with computer operations and often utilizes those skills. She loves to fly big ships, the bigger the ship the better and her piloting skills are unmatched. Despite her apperance she is strong and in spare time she trains in use of non-projectile weapons.
Being part of old Imperial Kaine family and growing up with her uncle caused her to have dislike for non-human races and the rebel aliance, though she has little to no interest in Galactic Civil War and prefers to stay away from galactic politics. Lilith is hard and efficient worker but not very ambitious and prefers to live in quiet and private.

Amelia Kaine left baby Lilith on the doorsteps of the Kaine estate on Koros Minor, which was at the time occupied by her brother, Lilith's uncle, High Inquisitor and Rear Admiral of the Imperial Navy Herbert "Incubus" Kaine. By the galactic standard it was Year -9 Day 177, which was used as Lilith's birthday as her true birthday is unknown to all but her mother. Lilith was raised and homeschooled in the estate, she grew up mostly alone without any company of her own age. She spent lots of her time playing with computers, eventualy she felt closer to the machines than humans. After her uncle died she shared the estate with alien servant Raum Cambions. Without any guiding hand Lilith began to live double life, to public she was a spoiled teenager, but in private she used a flashy pseudonym and got her frist taste of criminal life as a slicer.
Around her eighteenth birthday she decided to leave her home planet and explore the galaxy with her Assassin-class Corvette. Without any real goal or interest she just travelled around the stars, though staying near the core. She went to explore Corellian sector, visited the enormous shipyards of Kuat and also went to see the beauty of the Hapes Cluster, where Kaine family originally came from. Eventually decided to settle down in the Coruscant sector. This was exciting and free period of her life where she discovered her talent as an artist and designer, and it didn't long for her to become famous through the galaxy. This provided her with even more credits on top of what she made as a slicer sometime. It didn't do any good to her spoiled nature and she became even more reckless, especialy with relationships, causing unnecessary pain to herself and the other girls. That came to an end when she got involved with dark jedi girls, finding them very attractive due to the highly intoxitating Dark Side aura that was appealing to her.
One of the relationships turned into marriage after several weeks and her life took a new direction. The Force that used to so distant and mere speculations was now part of her everyday life. However she wasnt ready for it and at times found it hard to cope with it, but overall she was happy, or at least she believed she was. The relationship didn't mean to have a happy end, the dark jedi's deception had crushed her and left her with more than physical scars. It took her long time to get over it, but she was never the same again. She prefers not to talk about it and rarely refers to her former wife by name.
In late year 11 Lilith used her wealth to gain control over a large moon Loginol II and relocated her home to Trax sector, retiring from any kind of work and living in private.
Moon Countess

When Lilith gained control over the large moon she proclaimed herself Countess and enjoys to live a life of a noble and in luxury, though she rarely attends to day-to-day needs of the jungle moon. In her retirement she likes to spend more time on art. She likes to collect ships and items but her favourite are luxury ships and the bigger the better. Because of her family heritage she was always more fond of dagger-shape designs but M-Class Mon Calamari Luxury Liner "Dance With the Devil" came to be among her favourite ships simply because of all the space available inside. Just like the rest of her small private fleet it was painted in white and black with turquoise viewports and bears a crimson Lily, Lilith's personal sigil.