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I figure it might be worthwhile to create a separate article for the "Shadowstone Affair" where the ship was actually captured, as the current article content seems to revolve around who was involved in the heist. Unfortunately I do not know too much about the heist, so someone else will have to do that.

Once that content has been largely moved, I'll try rewriting aspects of the article and describe what the vessel has been "up to" since then. --Alex Tylger 05:51, 24 February 2012 (GMT)

Let's make this article a bit more balanced and work from there. If you want to move the events that eventually let up to the Battle of Beta out of the "Shadowstone" article, I suggest to move it exactly there (Battle of Beta). As someone who was closely involevd with the evnts I find the article in its current form surprising. If you removed the title "Shadowstone" I would not even recognize it as an event I was aware of so far, much less have been involved with. :) --Dreighton 19:52, 30 March 2012 (GMT)