Calanthe van der Plas

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Calanthe “Hex” van der Plas
Biographical Information
Race Hapan
Homeworld Hapes
House House Plas
Mother Carmilla van der Plas
Father Conrad van der Plas
Marital Status Single
Siblings Calexis van der Plas,

Caius van der Plas, Willow van der Plas

Born Year 2, Day 145
Languages Galactic Basic
Quote "I'm the needle in your eye, but I'm okay with that,"
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.52
Weight 49kg
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Political Information
Affiliation Galactic Culinary Union
Title Princess
Rank Hostess with the Mostest

Calanthe, better known as “Hex”, van der Plas, is the rebellious estranged youngest sister of Willow and the recently deceased Lexi. She had a decent start in life with her family as a spoiled princess with everything she could have ever wanted; that was until talks rose up about finding her a suitor and marrying her off.

Not wishing to become a slave to society, politics and marriage affairs, she obtained a fake identity from a shady dealer and fled the Hapes Cluster in search of the life she felt she was destined for.