Dark Redoubt

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Dark Redoubt
General Information
Status Active
Leader Danaan Porter
Motto "Getting the job done, no matter the method."
Headquarters Golan II (Deep Space)
Historical Information
Political Information
Type Mercenary Association

Dark Redoubt is a private mercenary outfit headquartered aboard a Golan II in Deep Space and led by Danaan Porter. It is military in structure and in a sound manner it is run by the attitude about "getting the job done, no matter the method." As such the standard military forces are well equipped and bolstered by steady combat experience.

They are actively looking for pilot recruits who would like to a chance to see some action. Looking for those who are able to lead squadrons of fighters that will be launched from a variety of vessels. They will be compensated based on the job, but are welcome to a group about enjoying open skies and plenty of targets. Also on the lookout for at least two station commanders for system coordinated defense.