Defiant-class Frigate

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Defiant-class Destroyer
Navigational Stats
Max Speed 70 km/h
Maneuverability 2
Sensors 8
Terrain Restrictions Cave, Crater, Desert, Forest, Glacier, Grassland, Jungle, Mountain, Rock, Volcanic
Weapons Heavy Laser: 4, Proton-Torpedo Launchers: 1, Medium blasters: 2
Cargo Stats
Weight 4,000 T
Volume 11,000 m3
Weight Capacity 40 T
Volume Capacity 200 m³
Passengers 130
Hull Statistics
Length 160 m
Hull 2,000
Ionic Capacity 1,600
Shield 0
Specials None
Raw Materials
Quantum 571
Meleenium 5,891
Ardanium 156
Rudic 280
Tibannagas 44
Lommite 109
Rockivory 0
Bacta 0
Hibridium 0
Varium 0
Affiliation None

A small patrol boat, it is heavily armoured with enhanced engines. Heavy lasers and torpedo launchers protect it from airborne attacks and when combined with the military issue sensor suite it is comparable to corvette class anti fighter defenses. Heavy and sluggish, it can build up speed but maneuvers poorly due to its length and weight and well as the fact that it is built to function in an environment where resistance is prevalent. Needing only 8-12 crew members to function, this ship is feared and is an asset to anyone who commands it provided that the commander is not silly enough to expect it to defeat a large number of enemies on its own.

In the modern era of the galaxy no one currently manufactures the Defiant-Class, though a few still remain in service in the galaxy the exact details of their construction is lost. If sufficient interest in the frigate emerged it is no doubt someone would seek to rediscover this lost design.