Fonwiyye Aaldan
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Short Bio
- Fonwiyye was born on Endor as into a large family of Yuzzum, members of a till recently backwards tribe of bordok herders. His mother, Yunnrrub (an approximation), the family leader, has always been shrewd (though not acquisitive), and has overseen a slow shift of some of Fonwiyye's brothers, cousins, uncles, and aunts into the outskirts of Theesfratta for small service businesses and the like, generally small one room businesses. His skill and fascination with mechanical devices and a family connection have persuaded the pilot and bridge officer of a large merchant bulk freighter that makes biannual runs into and out of the Endor system to take him on as a provisional ships mate and mechanic's assistant for a while, in spite of his young age. He is off to see the stars!
Fonwiyye's tribe
- The tribe has always as far as tribal history records lived to the west of Theesfratta (which is near a Trade Federation center at mid-latitude), in a wide grassy plain between two heavily forested mountain ranges of temperate rainforest. A large lake in the center of the valley is the locus of his clans seasonal migrations up and down the valley with Bordok beasts. In this his clan is more technologically sophisticated and settled than must native Yuzzum, who still hunt and gather, but less than the small number who cluster near Trade Federation outposts and space ports or who have found their way out into the galaxy. (Yuzzum are as rarely seen as Ewoks in the galaxy due to the gravitational mess that is the Endor system, blocking emmigration). Fonwiyye's clan has changed in recent decades due to the efforts of Fonwiyye's mother and clan matriarch, and he efforts of her predecessor. Though hanging on to their traditional economy and way of life in the unsettled wild, they have also placed themselves at the interface of city and outback, managing a network of family members in the city that handles news and information (for Yuzzum) , job opportunities for family members, trade between Fonwiyye's tribe and clan in the surrounding wilderness and the city, inter-clan marriages, self protection of clan members in town, clan and tribe reputation amongst other species in the area, and the acquisition of capital, opening of numerous small business operations, expansion of the family and clan's social credibility, skills, and competence. The largest thing for Fonwiyye's extended family is trade. Second hand trade, even of what most would call junk, in town, and trade of traditional tribal agricultural pastoral products into the city. some other micro-businesses run by relatives of Fonwiyye's, though not exhaustive: a laundry, delivery drivers of miscellaneous articles using small speeders working out of a single garage, middlemen importing skins, furs, carvings, trinkets, herbs, dies, produce from both Fonwiyye's clan and family in the hinterlands and other surrounding clans, a grocery and attached small farm in town, a newspaper and Yuzzum sign business using an adapted version of a traditional script of notched vines, dispatching of Yuzzum temporary day laborers to other employ around town. These are the types of operations run by Fonwiyye's mother,her predecessor, and other elders in the family, in a slowly growing clan micro empire of petty commerce around town near the spaceport. His family has shrewdness, charisma, and vision in a petite-bourgeois sort of way that is limited to the planet's surface and known areas.
Tribal history
- The spring meeting place for Fonwiyye's tribe is in a meadow on the grassy western edge of a very large freshwater lake, west some distance from Theesfratta. The eastern edge of the lake, very boggy and swampy, is uninhabited by Yuzzum or Ewoks. This is because it is inhabited by a particularly deadly tribe of Duloks. So Fon's tribe has been at war with these Duloks for as long as anyone can remember. This is generally kill on sight for a member of either side, but it occasionally escalates into raids back and forth. The ewoks in the forested mountains to north and southeast are generally allies in these disputes, as well as sometimes trade partners. Fon's tribe is more martial than most Yuzzum. In fact there is a legend that goes back to the oldest recorded tribal history, one of Fonwiyye's distant tribal ancestors dispatched a huge (gianoremous according to legend) vicious evil space alien that landed here centuries ago and killed and ate Yuzzum for a while in the area. This was not a Gorax, it was an interstellar 'witch' alien, 'much more evil than a gorax'. Fonwiyyes tribe practiced guerrilla war against their encampment using blow-darts and slings for a while before his ancestor personally disembowled said alien from below with a giant sharp rock in single combat. The story is associated with a crater lake to the southwest of the tribal spring meeting grounds. There may actually be some truth to this story as slavers and raiders have in distant past been in system, the size and other features may be exaggerated. This story inspires Fonwiyye to a military mindedness.
Fonwiyye's Personality
- He has an inexplicable liking for heights, the tops of buildings, wide vistas, and urban exploration. Spaced out and dreamy, he has developed an entrancement with space holothrillers at a young age, something relatively new to his species, and dreams of being a combat hero someday though as yet has little experience other than mechanical aptitude and field stripping some blaster models he has come across; thus a romantic streak in him, although niave. He probably has holotheater of military or adventure nature in his bunk tho of poor 'B' quality to all but himself and other primitive species. This is partly because he has little notion of alien body language or culture, no understanding of mannerisms (other than those of Ewoks), or of galactic etiquette or street smarts (as of yet that is, he's a quick learner)... he will seem odd, abrupt, and also hesitant to new acquaintances, as well as simple. He has family and extended family back in his home system but aims to adventure and seek fortune before returning with loads of money to retire, for the time being he gains skills in living and surviving in the wide open enormous galaxy. Fonwiyye as yet has no opinions of the galactic conflict leaning him to any side. He of course is afraid of criminals and pirates, but generally all alien species to him are odd and somewhat inexplicable to him and he couldn't know which side to side with. Neither does he bear any particular liking or dislike for the Trade federation that has control of space travel and offworld settlements on the Forest Moon, though he would probably be slightly in favor if they were in conflict, due to a primitive sort of patriotism. His family, then clan, then tribe, then species, then planet come first in his mind before offworlders. He is proud of Endor and likes its isolation. His current planet of residence, Belkadan, reminds him of Endor, though much hotter and muggier. He has developed an animal empathy due to lack of contact with endor life / homesickness, if an animal looks endorese and isn't vicious he likes it. He is used to urban jungle by now, it reminds him of the 'real' thing, doesn't notice it.
- He has some in and out attendance of a small multiracial school catering to Ewoks, Yuzzum, and children of aliens at the spaceport settlement, this run by a type of minority sect (you have not heard of them) philosophical missionary religion, the headteacher was an Ithorian. No regular attendance due to family duties. Also traditional Yuzzum tribal teaching and adolescent initiation at age 10. He is now age 16, but has padded his age to 20 as it approaches galactic standard (human) age regularities and thus leads to fewer questions (who would be the wiser?). Most of his education has come from family work at numerous different jobs provided on an ad hoc basis by his mother. He also knows how to hunt condor dragons, a forest animal sometimes hunted by ewoks and yuzzem, learned in his youth. He is the third youngest of 19 children male and female.
Recent past
- By doing excellent work as part of a team of mechanics at the spaceport, some of whom are Fonwiyye's cousins provided to the job through a family connection, and servicing for the last several trips into Endor of the Colossus Oltan's fuel systems, as well as an uncle striking up a friendship with some of the bridge crew on said ship and providing a very lucrative purchase of bales of compressed native medicinal herbs to the pilot, Fonwiyye had been given the opportunity to serve as a ship's mate eighth class provisional and mechanic's mate. The deal between the ship's captain and he his uncle and mother was the following: provide up front a lump of credits out of his Fon's personal savings he scraped together from pay earlier, serve as ship's mate gratis learning the ropes for a mechanic's apprentice eighth class certificate, upon issue of which (when he is suitably trained and competent as judged by the ship's mechanic personel ), he will earn a minor amount of pay as an assistant apprentice seventh class until he chooses to be deposited in a suitably safe system (as judged by the captain), with recommendations from the ship's mechanic and captain as a worker in the mechanical trade to any personally known owners of mechanically inclined businesses planetside wherein the certificate would be of worth. The pilot and captain will return news of Fonwiyye to his family the next trip back to Endor and Fonwiyye will send messages and money to them as well. This is quite a change from the family's usual pattern of commercial expansion, to send a family member into outer space. It is more Fonwiyye's desire than his mother's. The opportunity was unique however. The system happened to be the Riflor system, a tectonically active system known for mining. He has been a manual laborer and mechanic for the past year at the edge of a commercial starport in Riflor system. His only experience in a drinking hall with off duty mechanics was to almost be mugged and beaten when leaving drunk, saved from this by a large muscular pair of Zabrak coworkers, Ten and Opoth. He has sent one long message back to his family and most of his savings, but the rate was exhorbitant due to the isolation of Endor and the distance. Twenty percent of what he earned was gobled up by the transfer. This caused him to rethink his situation in order to gain more pay. Around year 17 galactic unstandard time he was hired for work as a prospector's assistant as part of a small, new, well financed, somewhat secretive spinoff (not clear on what organization my company has been spun out of, but clues suggest a security corporation and possibly ex-criminal ties) commercial mining operation that is testing the waters before expanding. This would be the Gree Mining Authority. This is a break of luck for him as it involves serious credits. It entails mechanic work as assistant, some management, planning, logistics, accounting for operations limited only to the ship, and training to use computerized prospecting equipment. One of Fonwiyye's crewmates is his teammate from his previous job, Gaurxex an Ithor and also a mechanic. This pair saved a courier ship for their present company from a hangar collapse during an earthquake by hovering it when no one else was around to intervene, at a time when one of the ship's assistants the supposed watchman, a compulsive drinker, went AWOL (drinking). This save combine with a weeks meticulous care of the ships systems as mechanics (for their former local company in the spaceport on Riflor) showing off their skills while it was layed up in port awaiting orders got them both hired by the owner of the courier ship with recommendation to the latest company.