Froz III B

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Froz III B is one of four satellites orbiting the gas giant Froz III. A fairly typical small moon, Froz III B is an airless, rocky body, pockmarked with impact craters from the numerous meteors drawn in by the gas giant’s powerful gravity. Approximately one-quarter of the planet is covered in an extremely dense layer of rock that is almost completely unblemished due to the hard and resilient nature of the substrate. Planetary geologists theorize that these flats are the remnants of an ancient lava field from long-ago seismic activity, although no trace of volcanic activity remains now.

The innately hostile environment has not prevented an active economy from springing up. Isolated settlements established centuries ago slowly amalgamated into a number of sprawling cities covering much of the moon’s surface. Industrial activities are many and varied, although dominated by tibbana gas refining and the extraction of valuable minerals from the moon’s crust. Froz III B has a significant migrant population, comprised of mining and refinery workers on month-long shifts in the industrial districts. The moon’s permanent settlers are a tough and hardy bunch, and very independent, which has led to some confrontations with the system’s authorities in the past.

In recent history, Froz III B was a part of the CorSec rebellion, being one of many planets in the Corellian sector to overthrow the reins of the Galactic Empire. Since then, civil unrest has stirred the population, with two of the moon’s major cities raising the flag of the Galactic Empire, only to have it torn down again after riots and violent protests. Currently, there is no definitive ruler, with the governing authority having been passed between many different factions and individuals over the past few years. Locals often refer to the moon as the "Graveyard Moon" of the CorSec Rebellion, as one of the largest crater fields is set aside as a mass burial site for all those lost during the war and the following civil unrest that took place in the system.

Population Total: 7,087,765 inhabitants Hireable Population: 1,000 Civilization: 28.8200%.