GR-75 Medium Transport

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GR-75 Medium Transport
Navigational Stats
Hyperspeed 4.0
Sublight Speed 10 MGLT
Max Speed 100 km/h
Maneuverability 3.00
Sensors 1
Escape Pods 6
Docking Bay n/a
Hangar Bay Yes
Landing Capacity Yes
Flight Grade Repulsorlifts Yes
Graviton Generators n/a
Docking Port n/a
Medical Room n/a
Storage Room {{{storageroom}}}
Recycling {{{recycling}}}
Weapons/Utilities Tractor Beams: 1
Heavy Laser: 8
Cargo Stats
Weight 70,010 T
Volume 150,000 m³
Weight Capacity 70,000 T
Volume Capacity 97,500 m³
Max Passengers 1,000
Party Slot Size 6.00
Hull Statistics
Length 90 m
Hull 600
Shield 450
Ionic Capacity 280
Raw Materials
Raw Material Price 2,586,074
Quantum 177
Meleenium 720
Ardanium 361
Rudic 117
Rockivory 297
Tibannagas 44
Varmigio 2,506
Lommite 769
Durelium 835
Bacta n/a
Hibridium n/a
Varium n/a
Affiliation New Republic
Corellian Engineering Corporation

The GR-75 Medium Transport was originally produced by the now defunct Gallofree Yards. Designed as a large, versatile transport for civilian use it has stood the test of time and remains among the best. Though it is more often found fulfilling a unique niche in many military forces throughout the galaxy.

Despite the relative age of the design, the GR-75 retains its reputation due to the fact that it can carry a small army of troops and armored combat vehicles directly into enemy territory. The reason for its popularity, however is not merely its high capacity for transport, but the inclusion of potent heavy lasers and a moderate shield generator; giving the vessel and its cargo a fighting chance against planetary defenses, as well as allowing the GR-75 to clear its own landing zone of hostiles and fend off naval attacks. The one great limitation of the GR-75, however, is not in its cargo capacity or defenses, but rather its engines.

The GR-75 is equipped with underpowered engines, as a cost saving measure, that only provide the most minimal of thrust needed to break orbit. Even more noticeable, this sluggishness also causes maneuverability problems, as the designers at Gallofree Yards believed that quick maneuvers wouldn't be needed. As a result the vessel is often viewed as too slow for inter-planetary deployments, which spawned the development of the rapid orbital insertion (ROI) tactic for the GR-75.

Pilots developed the ROI maneuver which utilizes planetary gravity for a rapid decent directly over their target, often through thick defensive fire, then pull up to land within the last few moments to quickly deploy forces into enemy territory. Due to the effectiveness of such deployment, each new military transport is often tested against the GR-75, which has retained its favored status among military transports as its competition is either shot down, torn apart by the gravimetric sheer of the landing maneuver, or simply is too small to compete at all. As a result, the GR-75 remains among the best military deployment vessels, a fact not likely to change for some time.

The GR-75 employs a unique clam shell hull, allowing for the entire inside portion to be dedicated to cargo. Using a magnetic shield, the GR-75 can secure cargo modules together within it's shell and also keep the vacuum of space from ruining any cargo. This allows all available space to be loaded with as many goods as possible. With that, cargo modules can be loaded/unloaded from the GR-75 with relative speed and ease due to them popping in and out of place.

Easy to modify, standard models can be changed to increase cargo capacity. But in doing so, living space is sacrificed. An overlooked flaw to the GR-75 is it's high maintenance requirement. Though the hull shape allows all space to be used, it also requires constant upkeep due to high hull vibrations and added stress to the lower half of the ship.

The GR-75 boast a nice hyperdrive engine, able to keep up with it's convey escorts and allowing quick deliveries between systems and sectors. However, it's slow sublight speed leaves it wide open for raiding parties when trying to escape gravity wells or while it is in system.

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